Dark Eldar - Hellions
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Hellions are a dark eldar unit that you seldom see on the battlefield.  This is unfortunate because the models look great.  The most common configuration for this unit is to take 7-10 models and use them to support assaults by other units, like wyches.  Typically the Hellions will be placed behind the cover of Raiders as they advance across the battlefield.  When the squads on the Raiders assault, the Hellions join in and add numbers and lots of S4 attacks to the close combat.  Another, less popular, unit configuration that I have expermented with is to take a 3-man squad as a deep-striking, tank-hunting unit.  One of the Hellions is equipped with a blaster to punch through the weak rear armor of most vehicles.   Admittedly, this is a risky tactic, but fun nonetheless.  Besides the total cost for this kind of unit  is less than 70 points, well worth it just for laughs.

Other pages of interest:

A Wych Cult tournament army with Hellions

A Hellion conversion with removable Skyboard

A Hellion with Blaster conversion
A 3-man Hellion squad with blaster makes an interesting deep-striking unit that can target the vulnerable rear armor of tanks.
A large squad of Hellions with a Succubus are a nice unit for supporting assaults.  This unit can take cover behind your advancing Raiders until they are in position to join your other assaulting units on board the Raiders.
A close up of a Hellion with blaster.  This is my own custom conversion.
Check out this conversion
A close-up view of the paint scheme that I use for my Hellion skyboards
I modified all of my Hellion models so that they attached to their Skyboards with  magnets.  Check out this conversion
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