Dark Eldar - Ravager
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The dark eldar Ravager is the only heavy support choice that offers the mobility and firepower needed for a skimmer-based army.  The most popular configurations for the Ravager are with 3 disintegrators for an anti-personnel use or with 3 dark lances for an anti-tank work.  Most veteran players are reluctant to mix weaponry on this unit as it diminishes its effectiveness for its primary role.  A popular wargear upgrade for this unit is a night shield, which reduces the range of all enemy fire against the vehicle by 6".  This can often times allow the Ravager to survive for an extra round or two by keeping enemy weapons out of range.  Generally, the best strategy for using Ravagers is to keep them well back in your deployment zone and screen them from incoming fire with your Raiders.  Ravagers should be moved so that they can only see and be seen by the target that they shoot at.

Other pages of interest:

Ravager conversions

Swappable gunners for Ravagers

Removable flying bases for Ravagers

Packing and transporting Ravagers/Raiders

Removable tail section for Ravagers/Raiders
A Ravager with 3 disintegrators.  This unit is great for dealing with light vehicles and enemies with power armor.  One good round of shooting can vaporize an entire squad of space marines!
A Ravager with 3 dark lances.  This unit is ideal for destroying enemy tanks and monstrous creatures.  Its weaponry can punch through even the toughest armor with relative ease.
A Ravager with night shield.  This wargear upgrade is a good investment to protect your delicate vehicle from enemy fire. Check out this conversion.
This Ravager has been modified so that its side armor is removable, thus allowing it to be used as a Raider transport when needed.   Check out this conversion
I use a thin black mesh to simulate an active night shield on my vehicles.
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