Dark Eldar - Talos
Dark Eldar
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Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The dark eldar Talos is a good heavy support choice if you require a hard-hitting close combat unit that is very durable.  This unit can destroy power armor with ease and can even tear through tank armor if necessary.  The Talos is a unit that you will see in some dark eldar armies, although it is not as popular as the Ravager which is commonplace.  The biggest liabilities of the Talos are its slow speed and erratic performance on the battlefield with variable d6 attacks in close combat.  Many veteran dark elar players have developed inventive stategies for using the Talos to great effect.  The Talos is a great fire magnet for drawing an opponents shooting away from from the skimmers.  It is also useful for pushing an opponent back into their deployment zone in Cleanse type missions. The Talos is also good as a counter-assault unit when playing assault-style marine armies that charge forward in their rhino transports.  Finally, the Talos is good unit for deploying via a webway portal.

Other pages of interest:

A successful tournament army that featured one Talos

A battle report where a Talos was used  for counter-assault

A battle report where two Talos were deployed via a webway portal to great effect
Two Talos prepare to fight some space marines.  This unit can shred power armor with ease, although they can be erratic at times
This is the same Talos after I have updated if for a Rogue Trader Tournament. It now has a flame effects paint scheme as well as a detailed flying base.
A close-up of one of my Talos
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