Dark Eldar Conversions
Raider with Removable Tail
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This was undoubtedly my most ambitious conversion project to date.  I developed a modification to the existing Raider model so that the tail section could be easily removed and stored seperately.  Every time that I packed and unpacked my Raider models for a game  it seemed like the tail fins were breaking.  My modification makes it much easier to store and transport the models without damaging the tail fins.
Photos Section  (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Rear View of Raider and Removable Tail Section
Disassembled Raider Components with Gunners, Snares, Jets, Tail section, and removable Base
Read step-by-step How-to directions for making a removable Tail.
Illustrated How-to directions
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