Dark Eldar - Work In Progress
Hellion with detachable Sky Board
Dark Eldar Work in Progress
I had heard from several different dark eldar players that these models had a tendency to break during transport because of they are large and fairly awkward models to pack.  My goal while building the Hellions was to devise a way to make them easier to pack and transport. 
        Several friends of mine ihave had good success using small, powerful magnets to hold together 40K models so that they can be readily dissassembled.  I decided to try this approach and purchased some 1/16-inch and 1/8-inch diameter magnets from an
on-line distributor.
        My inital efforts to incorporate magnets into the Hellion model are photographically chronicled below.  I mounted two 1/8-inch magnets in the skyboard and some 1/16-inch magnets in the feet of the hellion.  After some experimentation I determined that the magnets alone were not sufficient to hold the Hellion on to the Skyboard so I added a set of 0.030" pins to the feet of the Hellion to align it and stabilize the model.  I  am pleased with the way the first model turned out.  It readily dissassembled for packing, yet it is fairly sturdy when assembled.
Photo Section (
click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Rear view of the Hellion
A front view of a painted Hellion and skyboard.
Side view of the Hellion
Rear view of the Hellion
A front view of a painted Hellion.
Side view of the Hellion
A view of the Skyboard and Hellion with Magnets (gold)
A close-up of the Hellion's foot showing the pin detail and the magnet mounting
A close-up of the Hellion's feet with aligning pins  and the Skyboard with magnets
A bottom view of the Hellion showing both sets of magnets and aligning pins.
The assembled Hellion
A demonstration of the magnets' holding power
A rear view of the assembled Hellion
A view of  the aligning pins engaged in holes in the Skyboard
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