Dark Eldar - Conversions
Wych Raider  with Magnetic Decking
Dark Eldar Conversions
For some time I have been experimenting with methods to modify the Raider transport to carry 10 models.  Some of my original efforts in this area were to lengthen the Raider which resulted in the Despoiler transport found elsewhere on this website.  One problem with the Despoiler was that passenger models still had a tendency to fall out of the transport when it was being moved on the battlefield.  I added railings/trophy racks around the decks of the Despoiler to prevent this but the railings/racks are fragile and they make the model look much bulkier. While making transports for my latest Wyche Cult army, I decided to omit the railings and trophy racks from the Despoiler concept to make their transports look sleeker. There was still the concern about the Wyche models falling off their transports so I decided to use some small, powerful, rare-earth magnets to hold them in place.  Each Wyche model had a 1/8" diameter magnet mounted in its base, while similar magnets were mounted in the decks of their transports.  A template was used to insure that the models would all fit together on the decks.  I had to be careful align the poles of the magnets so that all the models could be interchanged.
Photo Section (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
The finished Wych Raider with a squad of wyches.
A close-up of a Wych model with magnet mounted in it base.
A close-up of the finished deck with magnets concealed.
The Wych Raider is inverted and yet the Wyches stay onboard! A loaded Wych Raider with 10 models on it.
A blank base with hole in center is used as a template to locate holes for the magnets.
The drilled hole and 1/8" diameter magnet
The magnet is glued in place with Cyanoacrylate adhesive
A Wyche miniature is placed over the first magnet and the template is positioned to drill the next hole.
The transport wtth all 10 magnets glued in place on the decks.
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