Dark Eldar - Work In Progress
Urien Rakarth Conversion
Dark Eldar Work In Progress
I have considered building a Haemonculus-themed army for over a year.  Most of the models have been assembled and primed, but I wanted to do something special for the Headquarters unit.  The obvious choice was Urien Rakarth, the master haemonculus.    There are a number of excellent conversions of this model that have been featured on the web at various Games Days.

I decided to emulate one of the conversions that I really liked, namely one with a tortured soul rising from Urien's crucible of malediction.  Instead of making the tortured soul from scratch, I opted to use an old Ral Partha goblin archer.  The model was approximately the right size for my needs and it seemed to have the proper look and feel.
Photo Section (click on thumbnail to enlarge it)
Miniatures � Games Workshop 2004. All rights reserved. Used without permission - models painted by Dan Moore
Various views of the Urien Rakarth conversion in its earliest phases.  The crucible of malediction has been opened and the the tortured soul (goblin archer) has been mounted to it with a paper clip.
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