Two Letters to the Editor 11-12-05
Protesters have Bush figured out

Once again, President Bush shows how out of touch he is with reality ("10,000 protesters lash out at Bush," News, Nov. 5). He has no idea why his South American visit was so controversial.

Does he not understand that his very image is that of an imperialist and a world polluter? Now even his own countrymen are beginning to see the corruption and the incompetence of his administration.

The protesters were right to reveal Bush for what he is. Cry for us, Argentina. We need your tears to clear our own vision of what is happening here at home.


Quest for control

The Kansas Board of Education's decision to allow supernatural explanations as supplements to evolutionary science is more evidence of the threat to progress posed by fundamentalist, evangelical Christianity.

While quick to condemn Islamic theocracy, the religious right does not hesitate to exercise the same kind of cultural control as the mullahs. Only the dogma is different.

Jack: photo by Dar
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