[The Ever-beautiful Yukino Miyazawa]

Ohayo, minna-san... I recently threw another Winamp skin together, and now it's up. I doubt many people will want it, though... bah, oh well. Ok, hope you like it. Oh, and I should have a few more on the way real soon, so check back in about two weeks... I think. XD

I still have a few ICQ skins, though I've been having real trouble getting my ICQ to even function regularly... bah. For those of you that are into that sort of thing, they're posted near the bottom. XD

You will need to download ICQPlus to view the ICQ skins. You can pick it up at ICQPlus.org
Well, have fun, minna! ^_^

WOO! New skin! This is a tribute skin, dedicated to the totally addictive webcomic: 8-Bit Theater. More info is in the info, and if you're curious about 8-Bit, just check out my links, which I SHOULD be updating soon. :d

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This was my first winamp skin. It was also the hardest I've done... so far.

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Ok, this is a skin I made purely for my own amusement... and I only posted it because I haven't added any new skins in a while. Anyway, I like it. I made the pic in an odd way, though... XD I'm so hilarious sometimes... Bahaha...

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Here we have my first ICQ skin. Can you tell I love KareKano? Hehehe... well, I didn't show the other images, because of room. So it'll be a suprise, ne?

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Alrighty... I know, I know... it's a skin of my site. So? It doesn't hurt to advertise! XD

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All right kiddies, how many times do I gotta tell ya? Stick out your necks like good little lambs... >XD Alright, this is my Johnny skin, of course. Again, no other pic.

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