Sarah Harmer - FAQ









What is Weeping Tile?
Weeping Tile was (is! is!) a beautiful band from Kingston, Ontario.  Sarah sung (sings! sings!) and wrote for this band.  She now covers some of their songs in her solo shows.  Check out links for some nice WT pages.  You can order WT CDs on Sarah's official site.  Buy them; they're wonderful!!
Which Weeping Tile songs does Sarah play live?
Lately she's been doing "Dogs and Thunder", "Judy G", "Good Fortune", "I'm a Mountain", "Handkerchiefs and Napkins", "South of Me", "Goin' Out", "In the Road" and "Cold Snap", amongst others.

Also, "Basement Apt.", "Weakened State", "Lodestar" and "Coffee Stain" were all originally Weeping Tile songs.

What is "This Great Black Night"?

"This Great Black Night" was an EP Weeping Tile released back in the day.  It isn't available for sale now (but hopefully it will be again someday!), so it can only be acquired through trading.  It included the WT versions of "Lodestar", "Coffee Stain", and "Weakened State", as well as "I'm a Mountain" and "Odessa Nights".

What is "Songs for Clem"?

Sarah recorded this CD for her father in 1999. It's full of lovely old songs. She often plays one of the tracks "Trouble in the Fields" at her shows. If you can't find it at the store, buy it at her shows or on her

Who plays live with Sarah?

Right now, it's John Obercian on drums and Kevin Fox on bass and back-up vocals.

Where can I get bootlegs?

Trade!  There is a
message board on this site for that, or try Weeping Tile's bulletin board.  Sarah fans are very cool and many are willing to help out new traders.

Is Sarah okay with that? With kids taping/trading shows?

Well, I don't know. I've talked to her about it but haven't asked her directly. I think she's amazed and flattered by it, really. Unofficially she has given taping the ok, and TDR thinks that's groovy as long as NO ONE is making a profit from it.
What is that new song Sarah's been playing?

You're either thinking of "Oleander" (she usually introduces it as being about a houseplant) or "Came On Lion" (the one that goes "closer than a girl can get...."). Hopefully she'll record these for the next record.

What covers does Sarah do?

Live, she's been playing a couple of covers every night, including the Hellbilly's "Mercy Bin", Luther Wright and the Wrongs' "Luther's Got the Blues" and of course, material from Songs for Clem.

What's _____ about?

I don't know what any of the songs are about past what Sarah's said 'bout them.  Go read and post interpretations at the
message board!

What other records has Sarah sung on?

Check out the
discography, man.
The Darkness Rings FAQ

When was The Darkness Rings started?
January 2001.
Who runs this here site?
Jessica Boyachek and Melanie March do all the updating and stuff; you kids (and of course, Sarah) provide the content.

Why does it look like shit?
Yeah, we're workin' on it :)
Why is it called "The Darkness Rings"?
It's a line from "Lodestar" (Don't laugh if you already knew this; you don't know how many times we've had to explain it!).


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