Live - Reviews











Feb. 17, 2001 Madison WI show re-cap

I posted this to e-groups already but I thought I'd add it here also. The Madison show was the night before the one that started this thread (Ann Arbor).

Please note: this is *not* a definitive list of the songs performed.

*Around This Corner
*Don't Get Your Back Up
*Coffee Stain
*Uniform Gray
*Open Window

*Judy G. (dogs/in the rd.)
*Closer Than

*Trouble in the Fields
*You Were Here
*Mercy Bin
*Good Fortune
*Weakend State
*Basement Apartment
Capsized everytime

The above is from Sarah's setlist. Kevin Fox's looks pretty similar except it just has a blank space for the songs Sarah did solo and it doesn't have anything listed after Lodestar.

I'm not sure if she did 'Judy G.' or 'Dogs and Thunder'. She definately did 'In the Road'. I can't remember if she did 'Capsized' or 'Everytime'. I was pretty surprised that there was no encore. Maybe they were just too burnt out as they'd had a particularly hard week on the road.

Marcus Bovre (of Marcus Bovre and The Evil Twins) opened solo and he was really good. He's a long time Madison musician and his wry sense of humor is a lot of fun.

I'll paraphrase some of Sarah's comments during her show:
'Mercy Bin' was introduced as a song about dumpster-diving "and all that good stuff". Sarah asked if we knew any Weeping Tile stuff. No-one really did, so she said, "Good, then you won't have any expectations about this next song." before launching into 'Good Fortune'.

Early on in the show someone got onstage and asked for "the moon song". Sarah laughed and said something to the effect of "You don't have to worry about that. We'll be playing every song we know!" When she did 'Lodestar' she said "And this is 'the moon song' for the woman you all saw up on stage earlier."

She mentioned being in Madison years ago when Weeping Tile mixed a disc (Cold Snap) at Smart Studios. She was pretty talkative like at the Chicago show. I *love* it when bands tell you a bit about the songs they're doing. The show was *fantastic* I had a great time and I had a primo spot for viewing. Sarah and the guys are just great live!

Sorry I'm not more sure about the setlist.


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