Live - Reviews










Another Ottawan reviews Sarah! on wednesday I went to Barrymore's to see sweet Sarah Harmer. She SOLD OUT both nights (she was playing the thursday as well) and just my luck, wednesday was an all-ages show! Can you believe it? I sure couldn't... Oh yeah, did you hear me? Sarah Harmer SOLD OUT Barrymore's...yeah. This is OTTAWA too!

Anyway, after standing out in the cold waaaaay too long, they finally let us in, and the show began with Chris Brown and Kate Fenner. At this point, a good number of people had gathered themselves and sprawled out, Folk Festival-style, on the dancefloor in front of the stage so we did the same. Chris and Kate were nice, very cool keyboard stuff that Chris does...quite funky. Kate kinda reminded me of Ivanna Santilli.

After Chris and Kate, ahhhh sweet Sarah came on, dressed in traditional vintage-wear, with baggy old man pants held up with suspenders, and a little t-shirt. It was so cute. She had in-ear monitors, which seemed to be bugging her and she kept figeting with them. At one point she was intorducing the band..." on drums, Kevin Fox *sigh* on cello and bass, and Me, Sarah Harmer, on the ear pieces...aaaand here we go!"

She sang most of the album, some Weeping Tile stuff and some Songs for Clem stuff, including "Trouble in the Fields", which is so gorgeous...By this time the place was PACKED and everyone was singing and dancing all over the place. It was incredible, everyone knew the words.

Sarah did two encores and rocked the house. WOW. I was hoping I could find her and get her to sign You Were Here, but I figured, if by some crazy chance I could actually find her, she'd be mauled anyway. Funny how it's like that now...

This is actually a review I posted on one of the mailing lists I'm on...and the rest of the post was allll about the James Keelaghan show I saw the next night. Yum. Talk about GOOD folk. If anyone's interested, I can fill you in on that one too

Cheers and sweet music,


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