Live - Reviews











ok. so first off WOW, Sarah is so amazing live!! she blew me away, I always said that Pearl Jam ruined me for other shows but not this left us all in awe! I brought a couple friends who had only heard her music a tiny bit and after were like..'that was amazing' and thanked me for bringing them

We ended up being 4 rows back on the far right side, so we couldnt really see foxy, or whoever was playing the cello, which sucked, but thats ok cuz we saw sarah great
She did two encores, ( yah, us ontarioans rock! )
and Im terrible at remembering songs and the order of em, but she played all of you were here, opend with the hideout, heres the other songs she did:
Judy g ( she told us how this was written when she was living outstide toronto..and hopping couches while she was trying to find a place to live)
trouble in the fields ( I finally got to buy songs for clem at the show..*yay* this song was so so pretty..)
Iam a mountain ( she introduced it 'this is a spiritual song, its what happens when you play guitar and watch tv at the same time' )
Skyway- awesome song
good fortune- my first time hearing it a weeping tile song?? i loved it!
a new song-that wwas really awesome
SOUTH OF ME!!!!! *yay* when she came out for the second encore she asked if anyone had anything they wanted to hear and everyone started yelling stuff, i think she was overwhelmed she said " I shouldnt have said that! lotsa love I guess;' the guy next to me was yellig south of me..I dont thinks she heard me, but I wanted to hear goin out.
and another one..I just remember the lines "this is a waste of money...thats all this is" I didnt know what that one was.but it was good no less.

The second song she played was oleander, I was so happy to finally hear it, and it was so beatiful, I got goosebumps all over and my eyes filled up!
( oddly thats exactly how someone else described that song to me..but thats what happend!!)

other songs..

Capsized was soooo intense..its one of those songs that really strikes a cord with me, and it was just so intense to hear it live...just about cried there too!

she did all the other songs was a different experience for me because I've never been to a sit down concert, but I liked it, I also wouldve liked it if poeple stood too though, I really wanted to get more into it during the end of lodestar..and songs like dont get your back up , and weakend state, but its kinda hard when your sitting but hey,I bounced in my chair, it was

well. i think thats it. my sorry attempt at a review!! I would have written it after the show last night but we didnt get home till late and I worked this morning at 730!
PS..if anyone else was there , tell me if I missed any songs or anything!

Im so addicted now :P

I wish I was going to the show tonight!


i forgot!!

i forgot!!

she talked a little about the Junos, and started playing us the song shes gonna play there but stopped cuz she wants to keep us glued to our tv sets

some people yelled out good luck to her too..

oh..*remembers more stuff*

and it was so cute,,while she was tuning her guitar...the first time she was like 'I know theres all these people looking at me, and im just tuning my guitar...' hehe..cuz it was all silent and stuff, and then the second time she was tuning her guitar she was talking about how her van can make it through another tour..and we all cheered for the van!

and in case anyone wanted to know..she was wearing a dress, with pants under..and this super cute fur hat thing, it was adorable!


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