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Sarah In Vancouver, March 31st

Sarah in Vancouver, March 31st
Richard's on Richards (again! Oy vey!), Vancouver, Show #2

Royal City- Much funnier the second time around. LOL My party seemed to particularly enjoy the random screams by their lead "singer". You had to clap just for the laughs they provided. For some reason, their set seemed to go much quicker the second show...I guess it's all about repeated exposure. Sarah said these two shows were their first in Vancouver. Uh-huh. I don't know when they'll be back...ahahah

The Wardrobe Report:

Sarah: She wore a black skirt, red socks with flowers, those funky chunky brown shoes, red t-shirt, hair half up. She rocks.
Kevin: Same attire as every other show. LOL Though now I'm second guessing myself and thinking maybe he wore something different....? We took pics...I guess we'll find out then. It might have been a burgandy or black shirt...
Joe/Joel/Whatshisname: Eraserheads shirt. Aw yeah. BTW, I should point out Sarah never actually introduced the band either night.

Set list goes something like this, in no particular order (though I'm trying to remember!):

Don't Get Your Back Up
Open Window
Uniform Grey
Good Fortune
Song About Vancouver- Not everyone in our group enjoyed it, but I like it, and I hope she makes it longer.
You Were Here
Coffee Stain
Around This Corner
Basement Apartment
Weakened State
Old Perfume
Mercy Bin
Dogs and Thunder- YAY!

Blue Moon- WOW!
Room With The Sir John A View (By request...and nods to the fans who yelled "Thank you" after it. I thought that was very gracious!)

Second Encore:
I'm Late- With the sound guy on drums and the drummer on guitar. Sarah came back out and said that the dance club portion of the evening was just going to have to wait as she was just getting started! Yay! I have to say I never thought I'd hear this song! Out of all the WT songs I figured she would do, this was not on the list. It was cool and totally rockin'.

Evening Highlights:
Scoring front row. LOL It wasn't the plan, but somehow we managed to get right up front. I really was fine standing a few people back, but in my usual pushy, obnoxious way, I somehow plowed past a bunch of people and ended up being right in front of Sarah, with the rest of our group extending over to Kevin. I felt so OBVIOUS. LOL

Anyways, they were supremo spots and we all enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. At one point, Sarah asked who had been there the night before, and maybe four of us in the bar yelled "Woo!", two of us being me and nikki, front row, centre. DOH! Then nikki and I cracked up laughing and made this motion of "Just us?!", which apparently Kevin saw and laughed at. Thankfully that was the only embarassing moment of the night. ahahah Nikki would like it known that he laughed WITH us, not at us. Uh-huh.

Sarah golfed yesterday morning...she said Vancouver finally made a golfer out of her. What else?

During a very bluegrassy, upbeat version of Blue Moon, (which was totally off the cuff and unexpected), Kevin came out to sing with her while smoking his cigarrette. LOL I'm pretty anti-smoking, but the image of Kevin, under this blue lighting, holding his cigarrette, waiting to sing, was just TOO cool. I would have LOVED to hear some more old stuff off Songs for Clem, but she launched into Room With the Sir John A View, by request.

Being at the front it was hard (obviously) to see the crowd but they seemed pretty mellow compared to the night before...mind you, I don't have eyes in the back of my head soooooooo....

All in all, I'm tres happy I went two nights in a row. Great variety of songs between the two shows (what more could she have played?!), and Saturday night she did change up the set list. The first three or four songs were in the same order as Friday, but from there, it was all different. It was also wonderful to be up that close and see it all from that vantage point. Kevin is breathtaking on cello. I particularly found his playing amazing during You Were Here. It makes the song 3-D if that makes any sense...I can totally feel the cello on that song...

I can't really think of much else that was just a great show, once again. Sarah pretty much finished every song with this funky little country doo-doo-doo thing on her guitar. It was cute. Biggest highlight of the night was finally figuring out that Weakened State, the intro, is just E at the 2nd, 3rd, and 8th frets. Woohoo. And the chorus...either Em or Am, followed by D and G. At least that's what we think...

Can't wait to see her again! And she made many a new fan last night. My co-worker turned to me partway through the show and said "I'm not going to get another drink...instead, I HAVE to buy this cd!". Unfortunately, You Were Here was sold out. Well, I suppose that's a good thing


P.S I am now stepping away from the keyboard. I just noticed the last four threads were all me. Even I'm getting sick of reading stuff I write I look forward to hearing about everyone else's shows!


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