Live - Reviews










Sarah @ Winnipeg Folk Fest

first, a disclaimer: this might be exceedingly long. but come on, it's THREE sarah shows in three days!!

let's get right to the good stuff: sarah was playing a set on the mainstage the first night of the festival -- there were TONS of people there. i loved this; i'm sure people who came just to see cowboy junkies or crash test dummies or whatever, discovered someone new  

as usual john and kevin played with her, but also adding to the good times was mr. marty kinack, a wonderful winnipeg fellow who you've probably heard sarah thank - he usually works her soundboard. marty played keyboards and some bass.

i can't remember the setlist in order, but i do know what she played (yes, i didn't pause being a geek for the weekend -- i had my pen and paper with me):

basement apt.
the hideout
weakened state
uniform grey
around this corner
good fortune
don't get your back up
open window
coffee stain

i would've liked to have heard 'you were here' and 'everytime' but it's understandable that those might have been difficult to play on a huge outdoor stage in front of a crowd who was for the most part unfamiliar with sarah. there were several people behind me yelling 'lodestar', though!

my favourite of the night was 'oleander' -- is anyone else really excited for this to be released? it'll be interesting to see how it sounds from the studio...

okay, day 2. sarah played at a workshop with the theme 'forgiveness'. i thought that for sure she'd do 'oleander' at this one, but i guess she didn't want any repeats -- she played 'came on lion', 'dogs and thunder' and 'capsized'. she did a little bit of talking, especially about dogs and thunder. she explained that when she was 18 or so, her dog shadow got sick and the plan was that everyone was going to get a chance to say goodbye to her before she died... but sarah's dad didn't really go along with that plan... she laughed about it though  

sarah also joined jess klein on a couple of songs, doing harmonies and playing a little guitar.

day 3, the theme of the workshop sarah did was 'angels'. she said that she didn't really have any songs about angels, but she related everything she played to angels somehow. the first song she did was 'pack my bags' by heartbreak hill. then came 'i'm a mountain' and i wish people had been standing so we could've danced!!

after that one, sarah left to join another workshop, which excited me so much because i knew it was the luther wright and the wrongs show that was happening at the same time. i'd wanted to go to both, and now i could! i frantically explained this to sarah as we both made our way to the other stage and i must've sounded so, so crazy -- she just kinda laughed  

she sang 'mother' with luther and the boys, and i stayed for a bit more of their set -- it was wonderful. later that day i bought the cd.

sarah then came back to the angels workshop and sang 'old perfume', which is so stunning live, even in the middle of a hot day. especially in the middle of a hot day, even.

i also saw kevin fox play solo twice, which i'll post about tomorrow  

thanks for listening



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