What it's about

The Story:

This game starts you off playing as Jericho Cross. You are an outcast, an outlaw, and a loner.

Everything for you changed the night you robbed the wrong train. You figured you�d try to hit the mother lode before skipping down to Mexico, but instead you unleashed Hell on earth; Releasing an ancient Vampire Lord into the West, which was now damned under his curse.

Before he escaped into the night, he managed to leave his mark on you, two puncture wounds on your neck, transforming you into a half vampire/half human hybrid, capable of things unknown to mortal men. Working with a secret society called the Darkwatch, you become their newest agent. And they're even stranger than the undead monsters they battle. You�re all that stands between the doom of men, and that of your own soul.


Darkwatch is a western themed 1st person shooter, uniquely mixing in Vampiric and Demonic based horror.

They mash their enemies up for fuel, forge their hides into protective cloaks and create weapons intended to eradicate their enemies....and they're the good guys!

They are the Darkwatch, a mysterious secret agency that has protected humanity from evil since the dawn of civilization. Their newest and most deadly agent is Jericho Cross, an outlaw gunslinger pulled into their ranks by an unfortunate close encounter with a vampire lord. Jericho's only chance of regaining his stolen humanity is to pursue the Vampire Lord through an American frontier overrun by evil minions.

Along the way Jericho relies on his deadly gun-fighting skills and advanced weapons and vehicles created by the Darkwatch, owing as much to sorcery as to technology. As a half-vampire/half-human hybrid, his superhuman abilities allow him to move, see and take damage as no living man could. When he's in a tight spot, or needs an extra burst of speed, he can summon his demonic horse from the very ground he stands on, firing his weapons from horse-back or crushing the rotten skulls of undead baddies with flailing hooves.

To fight a monster, one must become a monster. Jericho Cross had no choice�but only he can save the West and his own soul from eternal damnation.


� Blast through a frightening re-imagination of the Wild West, with explosive FPS action framed by a cinematic storyline and exceptional art and design work inspired by both Vampire-Horror and Western genres

� See the world around you react to your every decision with a unique reputation system. Hero or villain - it's your move.

� Unique weapons, powerful assault vehicles, horse-mounted gun fighting and special vampire abilities bring new depth to FPS gameplay in both single and multiplayer

� Take the "un" out of "undead" in a variety of ways with a wide assortment of "Darkwatch-enhanced" weapons, including pistols, rifles, shotguns, rocket-launchers, dynamite and even weapon-specific melee attacks

� Experience a "living west" with massive seamless worlds, non-linear missions and dynamic enemy and NPC A.I.

� Location-specific damage brings precision to gunplay - tear the undead to pieces!

� Online multiplayer capability on Xbox, with unique maps and original game modes.

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