The Characters

As the white European pushed west, native Indian tribes are found themselves under heavy assault. The Navaho, Moapa, and Washoe tribes of the Southwest were pushed from their lands and hunted to near extinction. If the advancing settlers took the time to bury the native remains, it was often in shallow unmarked graves, with little ceremony. These corpses prove ample ammunition for the forces of darkness. The Brave is a blanket term for the resurrected bodies of these massacred natives.

There's a nursery rhyme popular among frontier children when their parents have left them alone at night:

Hooked claw, wagon pine
Close your eyes, you'll soon be mine
Pointed fang, railroad track
Take my baby sister, she won't fight back.

Darkwatch Historians believe this rhyme an attempt to mythologize the reanimated native warrior. The 'hooked claw' and 'pointed fang' portions refer to the way the native body perverts after death, as its feet become jagged claws strong enough to cling to a cliff side, and its front lateral incisors extend into wicked fangs. The Brave favors the same weapons it used during life, the bow and arrow and the hunting knife. It is known to attack with a righteous fury, born of the desire for vengeance.

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