The Characters

The journals of the late Darkwatch agent Jack Mills tell of the first recorded encounter with an Oozer while Mills was patrolling the Basin and Range region of western Arizona. The following is an excerpt:

�the ground suddenly exploded in a shower of clay and Pete-rock, and when the dust cleared, it was standing there, the biggest egg-sucking spit in the face of God you�ve ever laid you eyes on, its lopsided malformed head not more than six inches from mine. That ugly face is still burned into my mind, with its parchment skin and the film of congealed mucus caked around its snarling mouth. I�m not sure why it didn�t kill me instantly. Maybe because my partner Clayton reacted quicker than I did, opening fire with his revolver. I though he�d killed it, because the creature blanched for a minute and seemed on the verge of heaving forward. But as it convulsed a second time, it vomited a thick fluid, which struck Clayton in the face and burned the flesh off his head, neck and shoulders�

Mills forced a lateral promotion into the Intelligence Division by refusing to ever enter the active field again. His research on the Oozer has revealed many things, chiefly among them that the creature has no eyes and seems to track its prey by a type of echolocation. It is also known to carry two over-sized cleavers, and can move with the grace of a pugilist despite an estimated weight of almost three tons.

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