Seung Mina, Soul Calibur, and Aeris, Final Fantasy VII
My two favorite female characters, in the same picture!! I've been wanting to do a picture like this for a while, and finally got off my lazy ass to draw it ^^. I drew this picture for two reasons: One, because Mina and Aeris are a lot alike. I drew them back-to-back "mirror" style because that's what they are. They are almost exactly the same, yet completely opposite, like your reflection in the mirror. and Two, my bestest best friend Momo has loved Aeris for as long as I've loved Mina, and as little kids we used to sort of RP as Mina and Aeris ^^. So, there ya have it, Mina and Aeris, me and my best friend. I drew Mina first and when I started drawing Aeris I was dreading that I wouldn't be able to produce the mirror image of Mina I was hoping for, but it was a lot easier than I expected. Yay!


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