Jade Ann Collins

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Name: Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hi sweetie, I hope this finds you (all of you) doing well and that you have a good weekend and great Easter!

Name: Angel Gloria
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Happy Thanksgiving! We hope this holiday is filled with lots of love and laughter. You are in our prayers. Hugs,

Name: Jade Waring
Email Address:
Comments: I hope you feel better Jade

Name: Mark and Sharon Sloat
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: I just had to check back to see if everything is ok. I am glad to see everything is ok. Mark And Sharon Sloat

Name: Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hope this finds you doing well. Were keeping you in our prayers.

Name: Toni
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: So thrilled to read the good report about Jade. Our daughter Rebekah (diagnosed at 12 months with Hepatoblastoma Stage III)is now 2 1/2 years off chemo and cancer free with an AFP of 5.6. I have followed Jades story and it sounds a lot like Rebekahs.

Name: Rich and Beth Allison
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Dear Jade and family, We heard of your site through cancer kids. You are a beautiful girl. We are so glad you are now cancer free! We will pray for continued good health. Our daughter Zoey just had her liver resection at Childrens Memorial also.

Name: Feeder Bill (Bill Pollitt Harvard)
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: She is such a doll a beautiful lil angel, I am sure the good lord is looking out for her and her family Just keep on keepin on and remember the cups always half full.

Name: Smile Quilts Angel Sprite
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Happy Birthday Jade! We hope you have a wonderful day and all your wishes come true. Hugs and prayers for you.

Name: Jenna
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hello my name is Jenna. Jade is a real trooper and Fighter in life. I love her smile. I was bor with a rare bone disease. http://www.matmice.com/home/fighterandchampion

Name: Jade Collins
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Well done for gettin better jade good luck in the future I wish you all the luck as my name is also jade Collins But my middle name is lindsey and i am 11 Good luck ;)

Name: Angel Chris from Smile Quilts ~ 2/11/2004
Email Address: http://www.smilequilts.com
Comments: Hey Jade.. just wanted to drop in to wish you all a Happy Valentines Day and remind you we are keeping you in our thoughts & prayers....

Name: Susan Hatch
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Thanks, the pictures are great. now I can put them in my family album. Best wishes to all of you. Love, Sue

Name: Eva Williams
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: I am so happy to know that Jada is doing so well my prayers are with you Im beleiving God for her complete healing because God is a healer of all manner of sickness and diseases,parents be encourged I thank God for your testimony

Name: James M. G. Sturm
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: My son Michael was diagnosed Feb. 2003 with stage III Hepatoblastoma. He underwent a large liver resection June 2003. His AFP went 3.? immediately after the surgery however has risen to 20.3 on 1/23/2004. Jades web site has given me hope.

Name: Emma Daggett
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: I am so happy to hear about Jade! God does do miracles for these wonderful blessings!! I was wondering if I could learn more about Jades progress after surgery. My nephew had hepatoblastoma too. Last July his tumor was removed and he had clear margins.

Name:    Marnie
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:    Three cheers for Jade. It is good to hear she is doing well. My nephew Derek was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma in September 2002 at 13 months. He is on round 6 of chemo and we hope the tumors on lungs and liver will be operable soon. Take care.

Name:   Diane Donnarumma
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:     I love to see a happy face on a child. My daughter Sophia has Neuroblastoma and took along time for her smile to come back. God Bless.

Name:   Kim Henderson
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:    I understand where you are, my son was dx w/ Hepatoblastoma at 10 months in Sept 2001. He underwent surgery and the initial 6 rounds of chemo, then had a relapse with 3 lesions on his right lung and now he will undergo chemo till a year past his last surgery.

Name:   Chris
Email Address:   http://www.smilequilts.com
Comments:    Hope all is well there. Please know lots of people are thinking of you and praying for you this Valentines Day!!

Name:   Sprite
Email Address:    [email protected]
Comments:    Everyone at Smile Quilts wants to wish you a steady and complete recovery and great health in 2003. We are so glad to see the results of the December check up were so good. God Bless! Sprite for Smile Quilts

Name:   Ginny
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:    Hi!I like the pic of her at the christmas tree.She looks so cute,cuddely and happy for going through all that she did.Love and prayers are with you.

Name:   Toto
Email Address:    [email protected]
Comments:   Merry Christmas and Gods blessings to you! love Toto

Name:   Becky Boyer
Email Address:    www.caringbrigde.com/il/zack.hostad
Comments:   Hi Jade, Dennis and Dawn, I wanted to tell you that you all are in my prayers. My precious Zack is her gaurdian angel watching over her now. I praying that the tests come back o.k. Good luck and God bless. Love Always, Becky, Mike, Jacob and Angel Zachary

Name:   Chris
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   You are a beautiful and precious little girl!! Everyone at Smile Quilts is thinking of you & praying for you & wants to wish you a HEALTHY and Happy Holiday!

Name:   Aunt Kathy
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   I was here before but didnt think to sign in! She is beautiful but pictures just dont do her justice. If people could only see her personality sparkle. I love her! She really is something! Love you sweetie! You and your everlovin family! xoxo Aunt Kath

Name: Phyllis Khozein
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: You dont know me, but I have been praying for Jade since Ginny started sending emails on her. I, too, am a Cancer Survivor, so Jade has a extra special place in my heart. My prayers will continue for her good health and happiness.

Name: Phillip Witte
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Nice page! Im glad to hear shes doing good. Love you all.

Name: Ginny
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hi! Ill forward this webpage in hopes of some extra prayers for her.Love yas!

Name: Lynn & Bill
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: We love you. Great to hear that your results continue to be good. See you soon.

Name: Aunt Kathy
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: I babysat for you tonight, 01/17/2004. You are a sweet angel and I love you. xoxoxo

Name: Great Grandma Gert
Email Address:
Comments: Love you! Happy all is going well.

Email Address: [email protected]

Name: Angie Sierra
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: The best of luck for many, many years.

Name: Angel Gloria
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Jade, You are very much in our thoughts and prayers this Holiday Season. May all your wishes come true Sweetie. Love, Your Smile Quilts Family

Name: shawna dunn
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Reading your story has made me feel alittle better. My 3 year old niece was diagnosed 6 days ago with the same cancer. She starts chemo tomorrow. Glad to hear such a wonderful ending. thank you shawna

Name: Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hi, hope all is well there. Just wanted to wish you all the best and a Happy & HEALTHY Halloween from everyone at Smile Quilts

Name: Susan Oliver
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Today my sisters 4 week old son was diagnosted with this disease. Reading Jades story has given me hope and I plan to share it with my sister to give her hope too. You have a beautiful daughter and you have all my best wishes for a healthy and happy future.

Name: Eve Lopez
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: HI - former Co-worker and Neighbor - how is Hainesville? Must be much better now that Jade is doing so well! Im glad to see that and I hope the family nothing but happy times from here on out!

Name: Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: July 23rd 2003- Jade sweetie just wanted to drop in and wish you all well. Hope you are enjoying the summer.

Name: Kevin Collins
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hello, Jade. I am Jades big brother. Jade is the cutest girl around. Shes just great!!!

Name: Toni Mason
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: It is a blessing to see that Jade is doing so well. Our daughter Rebekah was diagnosed at 12 months and will celebrate her 3-year old birthday in August. Her checkups are now every two months. We are so thankful to the Lord for His miracle of healing.

Name: Jade-Cherelle Collins
Email Address:
Comments: U have da same name as me

Name: Jenna
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Hello my name is Jenna, and i was born with a rare bone disease. my webpage is: http://www.matmice.com/home/fighterandchampion Jade is a real cutie, and a true inspiration in life. She is in my prayers.

Name: Laura VanDuyn
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: Dennis and family, just waanted to let you know I was thinking about Jade and all of you. Hope you have good news in June. Take care of yourselves.

Name: Angel Chris from Smile Quilts
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: I wish I could leave you a little birthday picture here, but I want to wish you much love and health and happiness and prayit was a great one for you sweetie!

Name: Emma Daggett
Email Address: [email protected]
Comments: I will pray for Jade! She is so beautiful. Please pray for my little nephew. He is now 11 months old and has hephetoblastoma too. His name is Michael Christian. God Bless!

Name:   Sheila
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Jade, Everyday I am thankful for your speedy recovery. You are a beautiful little girl with parents who love you dearly. I wish you a long healthy and happy life. Sheila

Name:   Cathy
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   What a beauty!!!

Name:   Donald Preston
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   My wife Caroline and I sympathize with you. When my 24 year old son was born, he was 2 lbs 8 oz and two months early. He was hooked up to so much equipment, you can barely make him out in the photos. He was one month in NICU and one month in normal unit.

Name:   Woody Olson
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   My Best Wishes are for the Collins Family. I placed a link to the website on my website http://noslo.com

Name:   Toni Mason
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   What an answer to prayer. Our 2-year old daughter was diagnosed at 12 months and is currently in remission. God is so good. Toni Mason

Name:   Becky Boyer
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Hi Dennis, Dawn, and Jade, I'm glad you are doing well. You guys hang in there. Have you looked into Make A Wish or Wish Apon A Star? You guys should. You deserve it. Love Always, Becky, Mike, Zack and Jake.

Name:   Kenny
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Glad to hear that Jade is doing well! God bless, Kenny

Name:   Ron and Bev Edwards
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   God bless you with good health and happiness always, sweetheart. Love you lots, Grandma and Grandpa

Name:   Adam
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   I would love to see some more pics of your little angel. My daughter had the same diagnosis with AFP 101,000 at 20 mos. She has just passed the one year anniversary of her diagnosis and is doing perfectly. As healthy and happy as any parent could hope for

Name:   Beth Boyer
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   I am praying for Jade and that her surgery goes well. God Bless Beth, grandma to Zack and Jake

Name:   Donna
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Hi I am so gad to har yor little one is doig good. I lost a 2 yrd little girl (Elena) to hepatoblastoma 2 yrs ago..GodBless You all... donna from ny

Name:   Becky
Email Address:   http://[email protected]
Comments:   Hi Jade and Dennis, I happy to hear Jade is doing well. She has beaten the monster. That is extremely great news. You should look into these orginizations like Wish Apon A Star. They are awesome. They worship these kids like Zack. Don (the founder) has

Name:   Marlene Heffernan
Email Address:   mdh1778
Comments:   No more chemo ! may god bless you always

Name:   Island Princess
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Out website is .... www.smilequilts.com

Name:   Quilting Angel Island Princess
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Hello...I just wanted to say a big hello from Smile Quilts. We are a group of ladies who stitch virtual quilts for children. When you have a moment to spare please stop by Smile Quilts and have a look around. We would love to make your child a Smile Quilt

Name:   Pam Leatch
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Our son, Regan Leatch, finished chemotherapy for hepatoblastoma nearly one year ago and continues to have low AFP counts. I really feel for what you must be going through, as we've been there, but you can get through it if you remain positive with the kno

Name:   Tonya M. Jeudy
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Jade you are a star. Just let your light shine.You have the Victory over everything. You were made to rule, reign, and dominate.Thank God for a child as precious as you.

Name:   Toni Mason
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   My 23-month old daughter was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma Stage III at the age of 12 months with an AFP of 513,000. After 6 rounds of chemo, 2 liver surgeries, 2 c-line insertions and removals, she is now making monthly visits to the oncologist for Blood

Name:   Marlene Heffernan
Email Address:   [email protected]

Name:   Luke Wolf
Email address:   [email protected]
Comments:   My daughter fought this terrible thing. If I can answer any questions, just let me know.

Name:   Dawn Collins
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments:   Sweet Baby Jade, I love you. You are such a trouper, so beautiful and brave, and an inspiration to everyone. - Mommy

Name:   Dennis Collins
Email Address:   [email protected]
Comments: Jade, I am so proud of you. You are stronger than I could ever be. We're almost to the finish line honey!!! And what's great is that your not going to crawl across the finish line, your going to run across!!! I love you with all of my heart. Daddy

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