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Israel’s Thorns and Briers

Lesson From History

The name Israel is now  rested on Ephraim and Manasseh. Referring to both of them, Their father Israel blessed them saying:

“ ...the Angel who has delivered me from all harm-  may he bless these boys. May they be called by my name and the names of my fathers  Abraham and Isaac, and may  they  increase  greatly upon  the earth.” (Gen 48:16).

That blessing came to be fulfilled. They were greatly blessed but until today nobody knows that they are Israel except the wise. But like in the days of Jacob or Israel, they shall come to know each other during the times of distress. In the last days, a great tribulation shall cause them to come together to Egypt, now the United States. We should learn to read the times... we are very close to the last days!

We are provided a pattern by which to see what shall transpire during the last days— these are all recorded in the Scriptures. We will prove later through Scriptures that biblical history shall repeat itself. Every event in the life of Israel today is just the mirror of what happened to them in the Old Testament.

Now, we see that Israel is enjoying the promises God had given them. They prospered meteorically as no other nation on earth has had. At the same time we think that they are not the most God-abiding nation. Indeed they are. Although the apostles fulfilled their missions to spread the gospel in Europe. It is now possible for the Word of the Lord to reach every soul through media and modern communications, yet the lesson of the past continues to be tolerated. The great warning still stands for us today.

Early ancient historical Israel — land in pink is the approximate area under direct central royal administration during the United Monarchy, according to the bible.
Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

In the days of Joshua, Israel is one of the least of all nations in the land of Canaan. They were poorly equipped militarily against the more powerful enemies around them. But with God’s mighty hand, no power on earth could prevail over them-- provided they remain obedient unto Him. On the other hand, if they sinned against the Lord, no amount of their effort or human power can win them war even against the weakest of nations. People today never learn from that Israel’s experience. We think all along that we could rely on our strength alone. We shall soon see by our own eyes exactly how God does things for Israel today as He did during the times of Joshua.

This book doesn’t need to prove that Israel today, specifically USA and Britain including their allies, have slowly drifted away from the great ways of the Lord. Neither does this accuse them but to warn and prepare them for the Lord’s Second Coming.. They are the nations whose God is the Lord regardless of so many Christian sects, doctrines and beliefs they belong to.

In the days of Joshua, Israel fought and won thirty-one battles with ease . . . until they sinned.

Joshua, son of Nun, the servant of the LORD, died at the age of a hundred and ten. And they buried him in the land of his  inheritance, at Timnath Heres in the  hill country of Ephraim,  north of Mount Gaash. After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals. They forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of Egypt. (Judges 2:8-12).

They violated the first commandment, the worst of sins-- worshipping other gods. Immediately, God stopped winning wars for them.

In his anger against Israel the LORD handed them over to raiders who plundered them. He sold them to their enemies all around, whom they were no longer able to resist. Whenever Israel went out to fight, the hand of the LORD was against them to defeat them, just as he had sworn to them. They were in great distress. (Judges 2: 14-15).

Moreover, God no longer drove out Israel’s enemies around them.

Therefore the LORD was very angry with Israel and said, “Because this nation has violated the covenant that I laid down for their forefathers and has not listened to me, I will no longer drive out before them any of the nations Joshua left when he died. I will use them to test Israel and see whether they will keep the way of the LORD and walk in it as their forefathers did.” The LORD had allowed those nations to remain; he did not drive them out at once by giving them into the hands of Joshua. (Judges 2:20-23).

God appointed judges over all Israel during those times to guide them in the ways of the Lord. Israel had no king over them. God Himself was their King. He spoke to them through the judges and the prophets.

One similarity we have with the people of Israel of those days is our short memory on the great deeds of the Lord.  It would take only few generations to forget everything God did in the past for them. It was why God stressed the importance in the obedience not only to God but also to the parents who are responsible for passing on the will and ways of the Lord to their children. It is one of the Ten Commandments of God to honor our parents.

That is exactly what is happening today. There are no more territories to conquer and enemies of the West remain to test them. The nations whose god is the Lord are no longer socially and morally distinct with the rest of the world. Many agree that the West is even responsible for the breakdown of morality and spirituality of many nations. Today, every nation in general does the same thing of relying mainly on wealth and power. The leaders of the world pursue nothing except economic and military supremacy. We had lost completely our devotion to God.

Enemies Until Today

When God cursed the serpent about the consequences of the sins of Adam and Eve, He said,

“ ...And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” (Gen 3:15).

When God put judgment on the woman, He was not referring to Eve alone but also unto all the seeds born unto her thereafter until the end of age culminating in the Second Coming of Christ because she is the mother of all peoples.  It is Jesus Christ in His Second Coming that He will fulfill the finality of crushing the heads of His enemies. It is very important to understand that in between this judgment on Eve and the Second Coming of Christ, there shall be a continuing war or enmity among Eve’s generations, between good and evil. That is the first part of the curse, limited to Eve’s generations. The second part “and between your offspring and hers” refers to the singular “offspring” (or seed) who is Christ.

The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ. (Gal 3:16)

It is Jesus against all the enemies headed by the serpent, the antichrist himself. There shall always be an equivalent evil counterpart for every good seed in all Eve’s generation. Immediately, one of their sons, Cain committed the first murder against the godly Abel. It continued on until the time of Noah and his sons, Shem and Japheth against Ham, then to Isaac against Ishmael, Jacob against Esau. Jacob became Israel, and Esau, Edom meaning red. They were bitter enemies due to the issue of the birthright (Read Gen 27). Esau not only hated his brother but also his parents as well. He did everything his parents never wanted him to do such as marrying foreign women.

. . .and that Jacob had obeyed his father and mother and had gone to Paddan Aram. Esau then realized how displeasing the Canaanite women were to his father Isaac; so he went to Ishmael and married Mahalath, the sister of Nebaioth and daughter of Ishmael son of Abraham, in addition to the wives he already had. (Gen 28:7-9).

Notice how enmity, an evil for good evolved? This one originated from the same mother, Sarah, the wife of Abraham. There was a continuing enmity between families as spoken to the woman and the serpent. So Esau married the daughter of Ishmael, the half brother of Isaac, his father whose mother is an Egyptian maidservant, Hagar (Read Gen 16:1). Esau and Ishmael had become one blood and one force against Israel. Besides the Ishmaelites women, Esau also married Hititte women (Read Gen 26:34). The enemies of Israel therefore are confined against the generations of his brother Esau under the curse, enmity between the good and evil.

We know for certain that the Bible tells us that the two brothers reconciled and made up. Read Gen 33. It was a time when they had reached a level of prosperity. Perhaps each one was no longer concerned with birthright blessing for each one had enough. That was simply a picture what shall transpire later in the last days when their generations shall reconcile after many years of conflict. We shall know them when the time comes Ephraim and Manasseh humble themselves and offer this enemy with gifts in the spirit of world peace and reconciliation. But despite all peace initiatives, Edom was destined to be hostile toward his brother. Read this prophecy of the prophet Amos:

This is what the LORD says: “For three sins of Edom, even for four, I will not turn back. Because he pursued his brother with a sword, stifling all compassion, because his anger raged continually and his fury flamed unchecked, (Amos 1:11).

The descendants of Edom suffered terribly at the hands of King David of Israel. Israel engaged the Edomites into a battle and almost completely annihilated them. Read 1Kings 11:16-17. Being also one of the seeds of Abraham, they surely have since increased again in number.  However, Edom has since never a threat to Israel until a prophecy for them in Amos 1:11 is fulfilled.

Today, Esau’s generations alongside with the descendants of Lot— Moab and Ammon would soon become the thorn and briers on the sides of the nation of Israel (Ezek 28:24) until the end of age. Some have probably resettled in the land of Assyria, intermarry with Assyrians and continued to move northward as their population grew.

Who is now Edom or Esau, the Red? Because of their early inter-racial marriages they are now considered mixtures of races, some Egyptian, Arab, and even Hebrew blood because he was also the son of Isaac. They were among those taken captives to Assyria and Babylon during the fall of Israel and Judah respectively. They had become hard to trace after their defeat to David unless we simply identify them by their fruits today.

Moab and Ammon are also the biblical enemies of Israel. Their root is Lot, nephew of patriarch Abraham. Lot’s origin was in Ur, Chaldeah (Gen 11:28), which is in the plains of old Babylon. Lot also had sons by his own daughters. Fearing they might lose their family line after the death of Lot’s wife who turned to a pillar of salt during their escape from Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s two daughters laid down with him after they made him drank with wine (Gen 19:35). Each one had a son— the first was Moab and the other was Ben-Ammi. They soon become the father of the Moabites and Ammonites respectively— nations who have been hostile toward the nation of Israel to this day.

Right now we are ready to turn to Bible prophecies concerning the life of Israel covering their past, present and future. That will help us identify Edom, Moab and Ammon and know history before it happens.

The Book of Daniel: The History of the Adversary

The fall of the House of Israel served as the beginning of Israel’s hardships but the fall of the House of Judah was the final blow signifying God’s complete fury on the wickedness of God’s chosen people. They never learned from the hard lesson from the sins of their northern brothers who fell in the hands of an Assyrian king. Their survival rested only on the promises of God given to the patriarch Abraham. Those promises anyway were unconditional, sure to happen— these can be delayed but never to be taken back from them.

When Judah fell in the hands of Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar, all of Judah was taken captives to Babylon. Some were taken as servants and among them was the young Daniel who found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Daniel was given wisdom and also prophecies concerning Israel and the adversaries were revealed to him. The book of Daniel is short but full of meaning and hard facts about the last days. Most of the revelations concern about the enemy of God’s chosen people and how God in the last days will save the chosen ones and take retribution against the enemy. The prophecies were bound to happen far beyond their generation, the last days. Not even Daniel with all his wisdom was able to interpret the prophecies. Those were given very early to give God’s people some comfort and hope that God was not at all rejecting them. Also, it was God’s design how nations grow and fall, He makes and unmakes kings. Before things happen God had already spoken so that men will know only God is the Lord and King of Kings. He wants His children to look up to Him as the last redeemer and the only King who could give them perfect government. That is why the prophecies about God’s kingdom were revealed at the time when Israel was at its darkest hour.

The Great Image: The World’s Kingdoms (Dan 2)

The great image of King Nebuchadnezzar appeared to the king in a dream which he later forgot. Daniel recalled the dream and interpreted its meaning. The dream concerns a composite image of a king made of a head of gold, a breast of silver, a belly and thigh of bronze, legs of iron and feet and toes of mixture of iron and clay.

The likeness of the great image.

Here we are looking at the huge statue made of different kinds of metals and clay, from the most precious at the head to the lowest at the toes.

In the interpretation of God through Daniel, the head of gold was the Kingdom of Babylon with Nebuchadnezzar as king. The silver breast is the kingdom who will take over the Babylonian Empire. The brass belly and thighs are the succeeding kingdom after it. Then we have the next kingdom made of iron and after it the last day kingdom made of mixture of iron and clay.

The change of material quality from gold to clay meant the deterioration of wealth and power. The body parts describe the government and strength of the kingdom.

As accurately as interpreted, the upper body kingdoms had come and gone past. The head of gold was the Babylonian Empire. The next was the Medo-Persian Empire or the Achaemenid Empire. Just as there were two coalitions of peoples involved, so the two arms of silver.  Then the Grecian Empire followed headed by Alexander the Great. He conquered all known kingdoms of his time so swiftly and lamented there were no more lands to conquer. But it is made of bronze and so weaker. That kingdom fell as quickly as it rose. Next, is the Roman Empire, the legs of iron. The Roman Empire is the longest lasting kingdom the world ever had. It spanned from 168 BC to 1453 AD. During the later years of the kingdom it was divided into two kingdoms the East and the West Empires. The West Roman Empire fell in 476 AD but the East also known as the Byzantine Empire fell in 1453 AD. That is why the two legs of iron.  Although iron is less precious, it is the strongest of the preceding metals. The Empire was indeed very strong and vast but less wealthy.

Finally, we have the last, the toes of iron and clay. Although they lie at the lowest portion, they served as the foundation supporting all the rest of the body. If the toes fall, so is the entire body or the world. Yet in here the materials are the weakest signifying chaos and total degradation of human spirit. There is no unity. This kingdom is still to come. It shall cover all the nations of the world ruled by the antichrist and reign very briefly, in fact the shortest of the reigns preceding it. Just as there are mixtures of races and norms the world over, so shall be this kingdom. It is very hard to rule such a diverse race in a very vast area so its king shall apply the harshest and cruelest of ways in governing such as the world has never yet seen in all history.

Map of the Medo-Persian Empire comprising two coalitions, the Median and Persian empires.
Picture Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The head of gold, take note, does not mean King Nebuchadnezzar deserved to be a great king in the eyes of God. Even the Kingdom of Israel was never bestowed the privilege to be called a golden kingdom at its pinnacle of power. It was a golden head simply because God’s people Israel was in captivity in its territory. They possessed God’s blessings and promises of a great nation. So it was golden kingdom not because of its king but because of the blessings and great promises to people he governs. King Nebuchadnezzar was only given authority over God’s chosen people for a designated time.

That holds true with the other great kingdoms in the dream. There were actually larger and more powerful kingdoms somewhere around the world in different eras but the reason God limited the great kingdoms to four is mainly because these are the only kingdoms which directly affected the lives of the people of Israel. It affected their whole generations, contributed to their afflictions and molded them to what they were destined to be— a great nation forever. Notice how these kingdoms expanded . . .  they followed the route of Israel’s journey to the west as if the evil one was actually pursuing them.  The history of Israel and Christians was symbolically pictured in the book of Revelation Chapter 12. This is about a woman and the dragon. The woman is Israel and the dragon is the old serpent and/or the enemies of Israel. The enmity between them really lasted until the end of age.

The Ishtar Gate of the old Babylonian Empire with the lion as its imposing figure. Did King Nebuchadnezzar know that he was the biblical Lion Kingdom?
Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The Beasts: Animal Characterization of the Kingdoms (Dan 7)

We have here kingdoms pictured as beasts with progressive decline of ferocity.

The first is portrayed as the lion with wings of an eagle.  Later on, the lion stood like a man with a heart of a man given to it. This is the only beast that became helpless although the lion is supposedly the king of all beasts.

Second is like a bear raised up on one of its sides with three ribs between its teeth.

The third is a leopard with four wings of a bird and four heads.

The fourth beast was a strange beast—it was the combination of the three beasts before it except that it has ten horns. Three of these horns were uprooted and a little horn suddenly came up among them. It is terrifying and very frightening and very powerful.

There are lots of important things we need to learn from here.

First, it may seem that these beasts are the same kingdoms in Daniel Chapter 2. Partly, they are but in the manner it was written, this time it implies that these are prophecies still to happen ahead of Daniel’s time. Consider the Kingdom of Babylon. It was the head of gold, the greatest and the first of the kingdoms that arose. The kingdom already existed by the time this passage was written by the Daniel. Yet, notice that in v.17, an angel of God said the beasts “are four kingdoms that will rise from the earth” which is in future tense— meaning it does not apply to the Kingdom of Babylon anymore of Daniel’s time. Also, in v.12 it says:

Marble Bust portrait of Alexander the Great: Hellenistic Greek, 2nd-1st century BC, Said to be from Alexandria, Egypt, The British Museum.
Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia

The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.

The “other beasts” referred to here are the first three beasts which include the lion with an eagle’s wings. The time setting now here is the last days when the fourth beast is about to be slain. Read carefully verses 9-11.

These all mean that all these four beasts or kingdoms are existing at the same time setting. They live simultaneously in different regions on earth even at this very moment.

The fourth beast, terrifying and powerful is again written in the book of Revelation Chapter 13. We will take up the meaning of the horns in Chapter 5 of this book.

Secondly, although the beasts will appear in the last days, their beginnings are very ancient. They had always been there since Israel became a nation and they have their ups and downs with history. In fact, they were characterized through their early exploits. By the time of the end, they shall all be at the peak of their powers. Their ancient counterparts were:

Kingdom of Babylon, the Lion Kingdom

The Kingdom of Babylon was also the head of gold in Daniel 2. But again it was not of the kingdom itself why it is the lion kingdom but because of the people of Israel. Babylon was responsible for the downfall of the House of Judah while the House of Israel was earlier taken captive to the land of Assyria covering the same territories of Babylon. Many were still there during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Judah is a lion’s cub (Gen 49:9) and the lion is Jesus Himself (Hos 5:14 and Rev 5:5). Each of the four cherubim around the throne of God had the faces of a lion, a man, an eagle and cattle with wings (Ezek 1, Rev 4).

Is it just coincidence today that the seal of Great Britain has the image of a lion and America, an eagle? The lion and eagle seals are by scripture really belong to them.

The lion and eagle figures characterize the people of Israel. Shown are seals of the British Royal Armed Forces and the US government respectively with the lion and the eagle as prominent symbols

2. The Bear—the Kingdom of Persia

A bear is slow, lumbering giant whose strength is in the paws, jaws, and legs. Its powerful muscles easily make up for its sluggishness. No other beast can match its combined strength and ferocity. Persia won battles simply by the size of its army. The size of Xerxes expedition was 2,500,000 strong. The three ribs in its jaws are the three kingdoms it conquered successively. These are:

1) Lydia in 546 BC;

2) Babylon in 539 BC; and

3) Egypt in 525 BC.

Today, the armed forces of China today has the largest army in the world totaling more than 7 million active troops. In comparison, the USSR prior to its breakup had the largest regular armed force in the world with 3.4 million personnel in 1991. Russia today is widely accepted as the Bear Empire. It is now a sleeping giant just as a bear. Time will come when its satellite nations shall again be reunited to fulfill the prophecy to Edom:

“You will live by the sword and you will serve your brother. But when you grow restless, you will throw his (Israel) yoke (burden, chain) from off your neck.” (Gen 27:40).

China is of different lineage, of different blood. It belongs to the line of Japheth. Besides, the line of Japheth had not had in any way crossed path with the nation of Israel. Although it is a nation with a large army, the title of a Bear hardly befits it.

The sword is a symbol of a death weapon . . .  in today’s term, the gun. The gun or sword is also a symbol of communism. To “serve” a brother is a show of weakness, meaning of a lesser military power. Right now, indeed it is. Russia is pinning much its hope of food supply and economic recovery to the West, his old brother. Although they were of the same family, they have now a contrasting system of government. Never before that this surprising fact can be so easily disclosed. The end of the Cold War Era is the last phase of the West’s world military might beginning in 1991. This is the era of Israel’s yolk around Edom’s neck.  Is it again a coincidence that Edom’s skin was hairy as a bear and red... the color of communism? (Gen 25:25)

3. The Leopard—The Grecian Empire

The leopard is noted for its swiftness. Its strength can be weaker than its predecessors but none can be compared to its swiftness over land. Its first king, Alexander the Great had conquered 11,000 miles of territory in just a span of eight years reaching to as far as India. The kingdom however was short-lived. Alexander the Great died on June 13, 323 BC and immediately, the Kingdom had disintegrated into four smaller kingdoms ruled by his four generals. These are:

1) The whole of Egyptand Palestine, ruled by Ptolemy

2) North Syria, ruled by Seleucus

3) Macedoniaand Thrace, ruled by Cassander;

4) Asia Minor, ruled by Lysimachus

Alexander the Great was also able to conquer the land of Edom, Moab and Ammon which was later ruled by Ptolemy. All these were part of Palestine. Edom, like his brother Jacob suffered the same fate— the people and the kingdom mysteriously disappeared from the map.

The kingdom of Alexander although divided still remains where it was, today, the Middle East. They have a potential military force but weaker than the previous two. But from among them will rise the coming evil ruler of the world. Understanding the kingdom of the Leopard is one important key to unlocking the mystery of the antichrist. This will be revealed in Daniel’s prophecy of the Ram and the Goat, in Daniel  8.

4. The Fourth Beast—The Coming Kingdom of the Antichrist

We will understand later as we tackle prophecies that this beast is the combination of the three previous beasts. Daniel was very curious about the ten horns and particularly the little horn that grew up defeating the saints.

Note that the legs of iron are not represented in Daniel’s dream of the four beasts. The Roman Empire was bypassed, immediately proceeding to the feet and toes represented here as the fourth beast. In the coming world kingdom however, we will be surprised to know that the ten kings ruling the ten world regions shall all come from Europe, the new Roman Empire who with the antichrist will rule the World Kingdom very briefly. We will understand this more completely in the prophecy on the Great Tribulation covered by Chapter 5.

The Ram and the Goat: The Origin of the Antichrist (Dan 8)

After the revelations of the kingdoms that had and will have direct effect on God’s chosen people, Israel and the Christians, Daniel again saw a vision. This time the vision centered on a specific kingdom where the antichrist would arise.

Here are God’s interpretations:

Verses 4, 20:

I watched the ram as he charged toward the west and the North and the south. No animal could stand against him, and none could rescue from his power. He did as he pleased and became great.

. . . The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media and Persia.

And so the Ram represented the same arms and breast of silver of Daniel 2 and the Bear of Daniel 7.

Verses 5, 21:

As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat with a prominent horn between his eyes came from the West, crossing the whole earth without touching the ground.

. . . The shaggy goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn between his eyes is the first king.

This refers to no one but Alexander the Great of Greece. The shaggy goat therefore was the same Kingdom of Bronze of Daniel 2 and the leopard in Daniel 7. Alexander conquered the whole known earth in his era and lamented that there were no more kingdoms to conquer. He never had rest on the lands he conquered until he had fulfilled his obsession of personally conquering all kingdoms of his time.

Verses 8, 22:

The goat became very great, but at the height of his power his large horn was broken off, and in its place four prominent horns grew up toward the four winds of heaven.

. . . The four horns that replaced the one that was broken represent four kingdoms that will emerge from his nation but will not have the same power.

The four horns therefore represent the four heads of the leopard of Daniel 7.

Verses 9, 23-25:

Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the South and to the East and toward the Beautiful Land.

. . .In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

The event jumps up to the last days close to the Second Coming of Christ. It is very clear therefore that the antichrist shall come from the Leopard Kingdom somewhere in the Middle East.

Some theologians claim that the horn that started small but grew in power was Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Madman in 175 BC. He had actually fulfilled it in part but not totally. He was a great persecutor of the Jews and massacred many of them, he desecrated the Holy Temple but the real Madman is still to come, in fact already with us today waiting to fulfill the rest of the prophecies. He shall stand against the Prince of princes and will be destroyed by the Spirit of God. He shall invade the Beautiful Land, in today’s age, Europe and the United States of America, the land of the Lost Tribes of Israel. In other versions it is called the Pleasant Land since it is the fruit and fulfillment of the great birthright promise of God to Joseph and to his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh (Read Gen 49:25-26).

Which particular place then in the Middle East shall the antichrist originate from? The Bible also reveals it. In the book of Isaiah 21:9:

Look, here comes a man in a chariot with a team of horses. And he gives back the answer: ‘Babylon has fallen, has fallen! All the images of its gods lie shattered on the ground!’”

Read also in Rev 14:8 and Rev 18:2.

And in Nahum 1:11 it is says:

From you oh Nineveh, has one come forth who plots evil against the LORD and counsels wickedness.

Nineveh was the capital of old Assyria, the kingdom that invaded the Northern House of Israel. The same kingdom that was overran by Babylon. Both Babylon and Assyria are in the same place of the present day Iraq.

In Isaiah 21:19, Rev 14:8 and Rev 18:2, Babylon was quoted to fall twice. Is it not that the Kingdom of Babylonian was the Lion Kingdom and the Kingdom of Gold? What is Babylon and why is it that from once being the “Lion” and “Golden” kingdom it becomes the most notorious enemy among the people of Israel at the time of Apocalypse?

Babylon was one of the earliest kingdoms in biblical history. It was also known as Babel. It was established by Nimrod (Gen 10:10), a grandchild of Ham, a son of Noah. Babylon was located in the valley of Shinar or the Mesopotamia Valley. In history, this is called the Cradle of Civilization. It was also here where the garden of Eden was located. From this place saw the dawn of civilization, from where all peoples originated.

The outline of the map of Iraq superimposed on the ancient Kingdom of Babylon.
Babylon map source:

Now Nimrod was great hunter before (in some manuscripts, against) the Lord. He was a great leader of his time. One of the centers of his kingdoms, Babel as we already know was founded on evil purpose— to build a tower that reaches the heavens. That was a fruit of pride. The flood still very fresh from memory, they might have thought that a very high tower would be the best refuge whenever the flood might occur again. Likewise, it certainly made a name for them and had them remain united. Of course we know that it was a wrong way on how be protected by God and how to become one as a nation. They relied on their own power.

Nimrod was responsible then for leading his people away from being God-centered. God cut his kingdom short by confusing their language so that the people and the builders of the tower could not understand each other. As a result, the people were scattered, each to their language and the tower was never completed.

From then on, Babylon became synonymous to confusion. So the first Babylon did not really prosper in Nimrod’s time. Suddenly, that small kingdom “resurrected” to world power under King Nebuchadnezzar many, many generations thereafter. Its center was located in the same valley, precisely in the same place where it had originated. That time it had grown so big and became a real threat to God’s people. This Babylon was accountable for the complete fall of Israel. It was also the kingdom counted as the first great kingdom of the world. Because it held into captivity the people of Israel it was called the kingdom of “Gold” in Daniel2 and “Lion” of Daniel 7.  Eventually, Babylon fell at the hands of the Cyrus the Great, the Persian. That was the first fall of Babylon. The second fall shall occur during the Lord’s Second Coming.

This is how the ancient Kingdom of Babylon look like today-- in ruins. It hardly conforms the great  biblical Babylon of the last days.

Where will we expect therefore the Babylon of the book of Revelation to originate? Certainly not from any other regions on earth. It should originate from the same Babylon of Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar. That is how it was planned, that the world will be destroyed by a man originating from the same place he was created.

Today the center of old Babylon is just a small deserted place of ancient ruins in the heart of Iraq, just 90 kilometers south of Baghdad, the nation’s capital. Nevertheless, the place still exists. This might be surprising to anybody but the Bible reveals it. The last days king of Babylon shall come from Iraq and from there he will set up throne in a new great city somewhere in the world and Babylon shall rise again as one, big world empire! Iraq is indeed a part of the Leopard Kingdom and the Goat Kingdom. Babylon shall rise again but will fall the second time. The last Babylon is the kingdom of feet of clay and iron of Daniel 2. Just like the very first Babylon, it will be a kingdom of mixed languages but it shall be more diverse. It shall have mixed religions, races, cultures, nations weak and powerful because it shall be global. However this new kingdom of Babylon of the last days is somewhere, a majestic and progressive city. We shall know more about this kingdom later.


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