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Gokou [Dragoball]

Gokou [Dragonball Z]

Gokou [Dragonball GT]
Name: Gokou
Description: Gokou is the main character of Dragon Balls. The series basically revolves around his adventures from a child to a man. He was only an infant when he was sent from the Saiyan planet to destroy earth. His Saiyan name is Kakarot. His father was Burdock. Gokou was found by Granfather Gohan on Mount Paozu. Gokou had banged his head on a rock and forgot his saiyan mission to destroy earth. Grandfather Gohan trained Gokou in the martial arts. He later left him a dragon ball when he died. The series begins when Gokou is out hunting and runs into Bulma. Throughout the series he trains under Master Roshi, King Kai, Kami, and Kaiou. He later discovers how to use his Saiyan powers. Gokou can naturally change to Super Gokou Level 4. He is considered the true Saiyan which only appears every 1000 years. Gokou fused with Vegeta to form Vegetto and Gozita. Gokou sacrifices himself several times fighting Radditz and Cell to save earth. Later in the series when Gokou is older he marries Chi-Chi a childhood friend and they have Gohan and Goten
Gohan [Young]

Gohan [Older]
Name: Gohan
Description: Gohan is Gokou and Chi-chi's first son. He trained under Piccolo to prepare to fight Nappa and Vegeta. Gohan was able to defeat Vegeta at the last moment when he released all his hidden power after getting pretty upset from Vegeta's taunts. In the Cell Series, he reached SSJ1 and SSJ2 forms and killed Cell. In the Boo Series, Gohan learned how to enter Mystic form under Dai-Kaioushin's training. Gohan was absorbed by Buu, but rescued by Gokou and Vegeta. Later in the story he grows up to become a very powerful fighter. Gohan marries Videl and have a daughter named Pan
Goten Name: Goten
Description: The second of son of Gokou and Chi-Chi. He was able to reach Super Saiyan level 1 at a very young age. He and Trunks are inseperable. They can fuse together to form Gotenks.
Piccolo Name: Piccolo
Description: The evil son of Daimao. Piccolo was once imprisoned by Master Roshi's master Mutaito-sama but was released by Pilaf. He originally wanted the dragon balls to regain his youth. Piccolo entered the Tenkaichi Boudoukai tournament against Gokou to avenge his father but was defeated. Years later he allies and trains with Gokou against Nappa and Vegeta. He grows a fondness for Gohan and trains him. Piccolo was killed by Nappa but was brought back to life with the dragon balls. Later he fuses permanently with Kami and Nail. He is killed again when the earth exploded in the Baby series. Piccolo later causes some trouble in Heaven and returns to earth in Dragonball GT
Yamcha Name: Yamcha
Description: In the beginning of the series he worked as a bandit in the desert with the help of his friend Puar. Yamcha seems to have a big shyness problem with girls especially Bulma who he had a lust for. He was killed in the vegeta series by a Saiba-Man but was later brought back with a dragon ball after the cell games he gives up fighting.
Tenshin-han Name: Tenshin-han aka Tien
Description: Three-eyed martial arts expert and former student of Tsuru-Sennin. He's always accompanied by his friend Chao-Zu. They abandoned their master Tsuru Sennin when they found out he was evil. In the beginning they both work as con artists, going to towns unleashing monsters and asking for money to chase them away. Tenshin entered the Tenkai-ichi Budoukai tournament against Gokou. He later joins the Z-team.
Young Trunks

Young Trunks
Name: Trunks
Description: The son of Vegeta and Bulma. He was able to achieve Super Saiyan form at a young age. Trunks and Goten can fuse to form Gotenks. In Dragonball GT he travels with Gokou and Pan in search of the seven blackstar dragon balls. Future Trunks is trunks from the future who travels back in time to save Gokou from dying of a heart attack so that in the future Gokou could defeat Androids 17 and 18. While in the past he kills Freeza but is later killed by Cell. He is brought back with the dragon balls. Future trunks then returns to the future more powerful due to his training in the past. He easily defeats Androids 17 and 18. Trunks and future trunks both can change into Super Saiyan form and carry a sword that Tapion gave them when he was on Earth
Krillin Name: Krillin aka Klilyn aka Kuririn aka Kulilin
Description: Krillan is the short little monk with six dots on his forehead. He met up with Gokou early in the Dragonball series. He trained with Gokou under Master Roshi. The reason for learning the martial arts was to find a girlfriend. When he gets older he marries Android #18 and have a child named Marron.

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