The Caissons Go Rolling Along

            Phillip's Photospage 1

PhilLip's View of ETO

M7 the Main Equipment of the 275th

Phillip on M7 gun tube

Phillip Millspaugh straddles the 105MM Howitzer tube
of M7 named "Miss Be Haven"

Follow the 275th in Europe captured through the lens of a "liberated" German Leica camera on "liberated" German film by a member of the 275th AFA Bn, T/5 Phillip Millspaugh. The next few pages show scenes from Belgium, through the Rhineland, into central Germany and back. He has captured his young GI buddies at work, at play, including scenes that shocked them, some taken during a trip to visit Buchenwald concentration camp.

This talented  and resourceful radio telegraph operator  transferred into the 275th after the Army discontinued the ASTP program. Using developer and fixers sent to him by his mother he developed many of the photographs overseas. (Phils mother must have been resourceful, also. Those items were hard to get during the war.)  In addition to recording these delightful photos, Phillip managed to find time to earn college credits in economics by correspondence.  

T/5 Phil Milspaugh makes contact using International Morse Code using  a "leg key" and "ear phones".       

T/5 Milspaugh poses in front of M7.

Phillip 1998 reunion

Germany 1945

Reunion 1998

Phil was on furlough  when the battery group photos
were taken. Thanks , Phil, for the wartime photos
 that you shared with us. 

Photos courtesy of:

 Phillip Millspaugh

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DeLoyd Cooper is the Historian for the 275th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Association. [email protected]
Copyright ©1999,  2000 DeLoyd Cooper. All rights reserved.
Revised: October 6, 2006