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Gundam Wing

About the Famed Deathscythe Doom

Gundanium Alloy

Other MS

Animated Gifs


    Not much is known about me, and I'd like it to stay that way.  My name is Ben Donovan and I am fifteen and am currently enrolled in Berkeley Preparatory School and am having a great time.  I am a big fan of Gundam Wing and Dragonball Z, mostly all of Anime.  I know all about Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and GT, but I didn't want to put up a website about a show I know all about, I want to be in the dark about the ending of Endless Waltz and everything else along with others who know as little as me.  I am rather slow at making websites, so you'll have to be patient.
     I love to snowboard, wakeboard, blade, ski, and play soccer.  I also just recently bought a Kawasaki Jet Ski and am having a blast with it.  I am learning how to wakeboard and will be awesome at it by summer.  In my spare time at home, I build this website, surf the net, play Ages of Empires II, and baby-sit other kids around the city.
     Some of my favorite web sites are :
Vegeta Insane, Epinions.com, Gundamw.net, Endless Dedication, dbgt.com, and hlj.com.  Vegeta Insane is an awesome Dragonball Z site with tons of videos and pics.  Epinions.com is a place where you get paid to write opinions about stuff.  GundamW.net is a site in which I got most of my pictures and stuff.  Endless Dedication is a Gundam website that rocks and is very professional.  dbgt.com is an aweosme Dragonball GT site filled with video clips.  Hlj.com is where you can buy almost any Gundam Model in the world, this site is also very professional.

Courageous Pilots

Vital Characters




Awards I've Won

Message Board

All About Me!

    If you want to e-mail me at any time, its [email protected].  I'd like to hear your comments and suggestions on the page, feel free to send and e-mail.  I love Gundam Wing and eagerely awaiting the show Endless Waltz on Cartoon Network, also, I'll be getting my Gundam Models soon, if you are interested I could sell them to anyone whose interested in it.  Just e-mail me to inquire.  Thank you all.

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