THE  70'S
Guyan Valley High School, Football games, long summers spent walking up the road, playing softball, hubcap (don't ask!),swimming in the Guyandotte River, and hanging out with best friends. Could it get any better ............I don't think!  Growing up in the 70's was a great experience, a wonderful time to be a teenager. Long hair (girls and guys!), bell bottoms, peasant tops, mood rings, love beads,double cola,"DONNY OSMOND" and NG Cabin (right, Diann and Gloria!) Here you'll find some of my very best friends. There were soooooooooooooo   many of you, I can't possibly put everyone here, plus I don't have photos of everyone. But these pages are dedicated to Ranger, WV, Guyan Valley class of 1975, all the Bus Bums at GV, Jessies Restraunt Gang, and Jimmy Skeens bus run!
Locker Buddies and Friends Forever...........left, Debbie Adkins Vance (me), middle, Diann Stephenson Kelley, right, Gloria Jean Stephenson.
Ricky McCoy, a dear friend, who was tragically killed in a boating accident a few years ago.
left, Ricky McCoy, Middle, Me, Right, Ronnie Adkins (Where are you now?)
Front L to R- Sharon Adkins, Larry Joe Tomblin, and Pete Adkins. Back L to R- Shirley McClellan and Diann Stephenson.  Far right- Gloria Jean Stephenson.  (Pete Adkins was also an anointed minister of the gospel, and a very dear friend and brother. Pete went home to be with the Lord a couple years ago when he lost a long war against lukemia. The church lost a great man that day.
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