One of my birthday parties. left to right, Pam Bartley, (little girl) Donna Johnson (tall blond) Mildred Ann Sloan, (tallest girl) Debra Green, (in front of Debra Green) Debra Brunner, Anna Webber, Sharon Porter,Virginia Rae Dempsey, Deborah Adkins (ME!), Roberta Johnson,Patricia McClenahan, Kathy Newel, Jimmy Ray Dempsey, Rose Ann Paniguitti, and holding unknown baby in back, Linda Porter. If any of my old friends see this, please write me!
Where are you now?
Cleveland Friends
One of Kentucky Grade Schools class outings to Rocky River in 1965. Front left to right, Rose Ann Paniguitti, Cathy ?, Patricia McClenahan, unknown, Anna Webber, unknown. Back left to right, unkown, Janet Molchian, Debbie Adkins (ME!), LaVern Lucas, unknown girl, Francis Andreako, William Hill, unknown, Mildred Sloan, unknown girl, Kevin Steffik. If you know any of the other people, or if I have one wrong, please write me. (Hey LaVern, look at our groovy hats!!!)
Cleveland Rocks
The 70's
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