Cleveland Rocks
Below is a map of the West Side of  Cleveland, Ohio. See all the blue diamonds? Thats where I use to live......yes, all of them and more!!!!! In addition to these, I lived on Clark Ave., Avon Lake, Kirtland, and more too numerous to count!!!  My daddy liked to move.
Here is where I went to Grade School, K thru 6. Kentucky School on West 38th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. We had to walk to and from school, no busses! And no school lunches, we walked back home for lunch. And in the lake effect SNOW!!!!! It was WONDERFUL!
This is the west 25th market. We would walk there to shop. The cheese and pastries are the BEST I ever ate. It is still in operation.
Chief Cornstalk
Click on the photo above to go to the West Side Market.
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