I'll Wait for You
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The Lemon Dalmatian


  I got to the gate of heaven today,

after we said goodbye

I began to miss you terribly,

because I heard you cry.

Suddenly there was an angel,

and she asked me to enter heaven's gate

I asked her if I could stay outside

for someone who would be late

I wouldn't make much noise you see,

I wouldn't bark or howl

I'll only wait here patiently

and play with my tennis ball

The angel said I could stay right here

and wait for you to come

Because heaven just wouldn't be heaven

if I went in alone

So I'll wait right here,

you take your time, but keep

me in your heart

Because heaven just wouldn't be heaven

without you to warm my heart.


  Author Unknown

This page last updated December 23, 2003
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