Poems & Stories
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The Lemon Dalmatian

Poems & Stories for the animal lover

I am Famous Now  Today someone cared The Christmas Pup  The puppy whimpered as one child yanked him away from another
Famous Romans Response   A reply to "I am Famous Now". Christmas Rescue  He unchained the dog, who was once so lively and quick
The Animals Savior    "God," I said, "this is terrible! Why don't you do something?" I Want To Quit! My health is bad. There are days I feel so terrible that I can barely move. My phone bills are outrageous, and
Do I Go Home Today  "You only have one day left", I heard a worker say. Still Here I stood by you, by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying, you
At the Rainbow Bridge for the Unwanted    Some of them here by the Bridge are different. These pets were beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved.  A Dog on a Euthanasia Table  I'm trembling and so worried, for I know I misbehaved. I chewed Dad's brand new slippers and saw just how he raged.
A letter from a Puppy   I died today. A Dog Sits Waiting   A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun,
Too faithful to leave,  too frightened
The Old Man and His Dog    A story about an old man a daughter her family and an dog long but worth it.   A story about an old man a daughter her family and an dog long but worth it.  I'll Wait for You I got to the gate of heaven today
How Much Is That Puppy In The Window?  A story about a puppy mill dog used and tossed away A story about a puppy mill dog used and tossed away The Last Battle  If it should be that I grow frail and weak 
A poem to my foster dog  A poem to my foster dog    A short poem that tells it all the joys and the pain of a foster mom to a dog Dedicated To People In Rescue 
Puppies For Sale    A story about a boy and a special little puppy What we did to Rodney A true story about a Pound Seizure dog
Prayer of a Stray  Dear God, please send me somebody who'll care! Tray's Poem  One by One, they pass by my cage,
Too old, too worn, too broken, no way. Way past his time, he can't run and play. Then they shake their heads slowly and
Flight of an Angel   You were so scared, so unsure, As the person that you loved left you A letter to Spot Dear Spot: You don't know me, but I know you. No, I've never shaken your hand or taken you for a walk, petted you or played with you. I saw your picture and loved 
I only wanted you  If love alone could have saved you  
Bye Baby  My last day of living was the best I ever had.   
A letter to my master   I will always have only you in my mind and heart and should  
Rescue Angles   Tail tucked between your legs, Confusion in your eyes  
This page last updated December 23, 2003    
"We cried out in pain yet no one cared"

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