The 103rd Dalmatian
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The Lemon Dalmatian

  Please Remember Me by Spay or Neutering your Pets

Here I am when the rescuers brought me to the Animal Hospital people did this for "Me". No human has ever helped me before..

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Why was I born if no one wanted me? I have so much love to give why was I left to die? I have know pain, rejection and human love from  strangers, all over the world why was I left to die?

My foster parent saved me in the woods and fought to keep me alive but when there was no hope was there to hold me as I died. This is a love so special  I just wish I could explain it to the others here in our part of the Rainbow Bridge. They just don't understand how a human could care so much about me when humans cared so little about them.

I am with my brothers and sisters who with other pets who were beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved by humans. We are no longer alone waiting for that special someone to cross the "Rainbow Bridge For The Unwanted". This will be someone like us who was beaten, starved, tortured, unloved or just someone who cared about one of us. I have that special person who I will wait for, they will come for me.

My mom Duchess is is now with me at the Bridge

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This page last updated May 22, 2003
"We cried out in pain yet no one cared"

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