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The Lemon Dalmatian

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My past, my future and now - Rover

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Our Mom Pokey

My name is Rover I am a little girl Dalmatian  and this is my story. In November of 1999 a kind lady named Sandy took our mom (Pokey) into her home so we wouldn't have to be born in a cold shelter. 

Sandy treated us so special we just knew we would all get wonderful homes but when it came time to finding us homes we found out no one wanted us except for my home and one in Ohio. Could it be because our father may not have had spots or just because not enough homes in our area.

My new mom suggested a special shelter in Michigan that would find my brothers and sisters homes. I was so happy that my new mom said that out of all the puppies that she had seen she only wanted me.

Mom says I am a very obstinate dog but very smart but in a "stupid" way, for example.... when they say sit sometimes I do and sometimes I don't . I have learned to open our front door to go out side if they don't shut the hallway door I will just let myself out. I have learned to climb the fence so know they watch me every minute I am out.

I love to cuddle...and will lay up on the couch with whoever is there. I don't know why but mom says when they correct me for anything I get very "mouthy" I will bark back at us as if I am sassing, but all I am really trying to do is explain like any teenager.

Below are my Brothers and Sisters 
"Blue" "Mickey" "Lily" "Victor" "Hannah" "Misty "Scarlet" george.jpg (1703 bytes)
"Blue" "Heidi" "Mickey" "Lily" "Victor" "Hannah" "Misty "Scarlet" "Quincy" "Georgie"
This page last updated September 21, 2004
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