Site First Put Up in February 2002 

This site was made using FrontPage (eeeek?!) and some good old fashioned html editing.  It probably runs best on Microsoft internet explorer 5.0 or better, at 800x600 resolution.  Some of the html code was scrounged from around the web.  When using this site it is also a good idea to have the Japanese character set installed in your browser (if anyone knows a surefire way of doing this tell me), several places on this site include the name of the series, character, and voice actresses spelled in Japanese characters.

Most of the graphics for this site were gathered from various places on the web, and I claim no credit for making them (stick figures, and copy and pasting are the limits of my artistic talents).  I don't have a clue where I found most of them so if one of these graphics are yours and you disagree with me putting it on my site please email me and I will remove it on the next update (please include the name of the file).

If you have ANY complaints, comments, notifications, missing bio. data (measurements, age, birthday, ect.), or questions and you feel like taking the time to tell me about, PLEASE email me.  If you think a word is misspelled, a bio stat is wrong, something is acting weird, or you think I did something stupid and you care, email me.  To break it down into simple terms, if you want to tell me something, TELL ME.

Non-English Stuff  We have a winner
Just to clarify, all Japanese names written in English characters should be Given name first, and Family name last,  whereas Japanese names written in Japanese characters usually occur Given name last, and Family name first (most of the Japanese names in Japanese characters on my site are just copy/pasted off the web since the last time I tried to install the Japanese character typing capability my computer stopped allowing me to play video).  Also I have tried to put in these into Japanese written names to try to separate the given name and family name in Japanese characters so I know which is which.  And yet another thing, there may be hidden text beyond some character names and Japanese names in Japanese characters, its pronunciation stuff mostly, just select the text with your mouse and it should become visible (check out the text after this sections title).

Linking to this Site
If you would like to link to my site, and you would like some graphics to go with the link feel free to use these.

Also if you have a site and would like me to put a link to your site in my sites links section just email me with the link and I will put it up on the next update.

Old Site
This was my first attempt at a website, I made it in 1998 (I was 16 when I made it) so don't laugh too much.  I'm surprised it has stayed up this long, I haven't touched it since shortly after I put it up.  My old Site


Last Updated: August 19, 2002

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