Today's Song

-July 10, 2003:  Gomen nasai mina-san, I have not done any updating in Months, Just been busy, I finally graduated from College, as soon as I get going on a job and some computer upgrades, I intend to do a complete site revamp.

-September 28, 2002:  I'm Back From Break!!  I've been doing a little bit of updating, errors, additions, and correction of the extensive use of pictures.

-April 19, 2002:  Some more updates, Eeeetai, Eeetai, I found some painful errors, probably not the last of them though.  Oh, I received my CardCaptor Sakura Movie DVD, Tsugoy, Tsugoy, its GREAT! (except for the dubb)

-April 16, 2002:  Yes I'm still here.  I've done some minor updates, still have quite a bit to do though. I just ordered my CardCaptor Sakura Movie, so I might be able to add some stuff shortly.  Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to do some major stuff, but we'll see.

-February 10, 2002: THE SITE IS UP.  Finally after much painstaking work, html tampering, dumb luck, and skill the Site is finally ready to go and up on the web, now if only someone would show up, OH THAT'S YOU!!!  Feel free to E-Mail me any comments, suggestions, or complaints.  I NEED INPUT. Thanks for stopping by, and if you have the time please sign my Guestbook.

-NO sound pages are up, I'm stretching my Geocities space already.
-Warning, Character Bios are a bit sketchy at current, it will take me a few revisions to get them right.

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