Diablo 2 XP

Diablo 2 Expansion Pictures Site


Set Items
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Index of Unique Items
Runes (1.09)
Rune Words
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Elite Items
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Counter since
August 5, 2001


New Unique Items Found (1.09)

We have found ALL Unique Items.


Elite Items Update

We have found 139 / 163
Elite Items. 35 of them are Superior.

April 7, 2002

April 5, 2002



Last update on April 7, 2002 11:25 | Best viewed in 1024 * 768

Links for Unique Items

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

There are no unique items beginning with the letter O, X and Y.

The links for Runes are all Up!!! v( ^ _ ^ )o (1.09)

Rune Words are all up at least one picture for each word.

April 7, 2002

Infernal Tools is up.


April 5, 2002

Iratha's Finery, Milabrega's Regalia and Tal Rasha's Wrapping are up, thanks to EDT.


April 3, 2002

Brand new month and looks like its beginning with lots of hacks, I have heard of a soj hack that can dupe sojs. My friend picked up around 20 sojs from a game, where a game hacker used the hack and kept throwing lots of sojs.

So be careful where you trade your sojs from.

The images are either copyright of Blizzard Entertainment or copyright of Dragoon Elite & EDT
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