260 lbs.
July 9, 2001
225 lbs.
Sept. 2001.
The chins are receding!!!!
My wall of  fame
212 lbs.
Oct. 15, 2001
Getting there!
260 lbs.
This is the photo on my fridge.
I think I will leave it there for eternity. But bet it will have the new me pic alongside!
225 lbs.
Notice my arms are not as far away from my body?
A long way to go yet.
212 lbs.
The biggest change, I think, is the slimmer shoulder line. I was devastated when I saw this pic. But in comparison, I can see improvement!
260 lbs.
Words can't express how awful I feel each time I look at this picture. It truly makes me cry to look at it.
I am ashamed.
225 lbs.
Don't I look happy?
It's so hard to see the 35 lb. difference here. I promised myself that next picture I would wear different clothes.
I had to! These ended up way too large.
212 lbs.
Let's face it, I still have a huge gut!
But, I am working on it, and am proud to say I have lost six inches on my waist alone.
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