July 9, 2001.  
260 lbs.
I Take Control!
Hello, and welcome to Losin' It, where dreams come true. That's right - I believe in dreams because at the age of 50 I'm finally living my dream to become  a healthier and thinner person. My journey began July 9, 2001, the day I joined Weight Watchers  and committed myself to a healthier, happier me. On these pages I will share my struggles and my victories in losing weight.
As of today, March 19, 2004, 
I have officially lost 96.4 lbs, and maintained that loss a huge feat for someone who loves food.
July - The Journey Begins
August - Boulders Along the Way
Boot Camp Buddies - If you're serious about weight loss
September - Settling In
September - Renewed Commitment
The Woman In The Mirror
I Hit a Bump
I  Face the Metal Monster
October Arrives
Oct. 15, 2001
212 lbs.
Halfway there!
One Step Backwards
It's hard to believe I had to retire these jeans because they were much too tight.
March - Coat of Many Colours
March beckons
GOAL!!!! With updated picture.
Tiny Is As Tiny Does...
Post Goal Thoughts - April 12
Illness, Death and Rumours
New as of May 5
The Truth Sets Me Free
New as of May 6
NEW! June18, 2002 -PICTURE
Impending Surgery
Happy Anniversary to Me!
The Knife Gets Closer - New July 24
New Chapter - Updated Sept. 4/02  with picture
Surgery Postponed Oct. 16
May, 2003 - 169 lbs.
My New Life -June 10, 2003
       Losin' It!
Feb., 2003 Still at goal!
April, 2003
What fun! I never, in a million years would have dreamed I could feel so feminine, so vital, so alive. Thank you God. Feb., 2003
June 29, 2003
Still at goal and now smoke-free after 37 years. This program has taught me so much about addictions.
Feb. 13, 2004 - a brand new me. A brand new life.
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