My name is David Brager.

I found a 42-point puzzle in the book of Matthew that splits the Gospels into tools, including how to see through time, how to make instant decisions that are so wise, you never need to remember them, and how to do very advanced hypnosis (for example, Water into Wine turned out to be a cross-index system (this stimulus triggers that sensation)) so one can use hypnosis as the graphics drivers to upgrade reality to whatever fantasy level you desire.  I have hacked the whole matrix and I bring tools, which follow.  To prove we're in a computer game, I donned role playing and took the tools out for a spin.  Besides, Gary Gygax gave me a blurb for the back of my book, The Future's Toolkit, on how to program and interface humans.

I am looking for a home and place to build partnerships.  Please consider all of this, as I am sending this out today, and if people see where I am heading, whoever moves fastest makes history.

The tools allow computer hackers to study human history for order makers verse chaos makers, and from this, I discovered that if you analyze computer viruses and then analyze the Torah, you will find that every computer virus on the planet is sourced from Torah logistics.  "Go forth and Multiply" viruses glut and KILL SYSTEMS.  Babel viruses create chaos and KILL SYSTEMS. In examination, Judaism was tricked into carrying a viral weapon through space-time (which explains why Elijah's dying words are "Forgive them for they know NOT WHAT THEY DO!!!" (which should cover our asses)), but with the approach I have used, as I discovered villains have turned the Torah's disharmonizing logistics into viral weaponry, I used the tools and the logic of Mohammed's anti-virus to the Torah (that Mohammed built at the request of the first of two quests in the book of Matthew),  to build a trap to catch the villains.  The time has come to set that trap and RUN AWAY.

There is a wiser tool to use for all decisions, and this is being argued (especially by me) as infinitely wiser than the Torah.  It is being argued as what Moses actually brought, and the reason this argument needs to take place is because, as you use this tool to study history, you will see that as Judaism moved through time, people who rejected us adapted to values we probably were not supposed to disseminate.

Because the tools erupted to be obvious in 2005 logistics, I realized that with this level of accuracy in space-time mechanics, President Bush was probably the FALSE PROPHET.  So, being of the family of David on paper from a third-party source, and having had, in 1992, the experience with the warm light and still small voice, I decided to rise to the challenge so that, if necessary, I could HUMBLE President Bush on the international field.

I sent the following to the Sultan of Brunei for his birthday.  It is my hope that I can find someplace to let me complete this project because a bunch of villains, right up through this past US Administration, have been using the logic of the Torah as disharmonizing weaponry, and if I can get computer hackers to see what I see, the Geneva Convention will have a hey day with them, for they did not give honest council to Hitler and could have stopped all of W.W. II.  These villains leave a vapor trail in space-time, for as the Torah traversed through time, it left eddies of problems (Gaijin was once our Gentility, for example).  In 1833, a bunch of viral behaviors exploded all at once, but in history, there was only one viral weapon on the planet in 1833.

July 13, 2009

His Majesty
Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien
Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam
The Prime Minister
3520 International Court, NW
Washington D.C. 20008

Your Excellency,

For your birthday, I, as the Last Jewish Prophet, do hereby fulfill Prophesy as best as I can so that I do not end up either a dead man, or worse, dishonorable to my own family.  What follows is the most accurate data I can deliver, and the experience will be so profound, you will consider the impossible.

All of Judaism officially assimilates.  What follows is what Moses ACTUALLY sent.  The Torah is the lesser of two intellects, and worse, is weaponry against the planet.  The tools that follow are from the book of Matthew, and there are untold fortunes to knowledge to be found in the DESIGN of the Qir’an. 

I bring you a gift that must be delivered to you, but as you will discover, every member of your staff, that has the burden to carry this message to your door, is blessed because of the very protocols to which you have demanded.  They will not bring this directly to you, but will scrutinize it rapidly, and bring in their entire family, for this is world history in the making, but I, you, nor anyone alive on this planet gets any credit at all.

Jesus and Christ are two titles.  Titles, like degrees, must be earned.  A good man had to ask for a cruel death so that a message would be carried through time so that tools could be built to teach everyone how all can see through time so that an argument that could not be comprehended would finally make sense.  The argument is about the Torah being written before arriving but it’s author knowing where we were going well in advance so that when we arrived we’d be abused because we trusted the Torah.  We went from Egypt to Greece to China, and we carried a document that said we’d built the Pyramids, that homosexuality was forbidden and pork was unclean.  We had a rude reception everywhere we went because we trusted something that was designed to hurt us.

This is upgrading the Razor-Blade theory to business.  I am going to kick Bill Gates ASS, for he is using a divide and conquer logistics against this world, and no one sees it, but he is not the only person who has caught a logical virus that, with everyone on the planet using exactly the same tool, using  a labeling system for every finger, we return to being of one species, and thus, in judgment, we discover that there are people with logical viruses.  These are the most wicked people on the planet, for they endanger the harmony of the system.

This past US Administration attempted to start two different atomic wars.  I learned about it from a man who could not get the Torah to go away 2000 years ago.  Just as he begs that you forgive us for we know not what we do, conversely, we must not forgive those who know damned well what they do.

The Torah was filled with chaos-making logistics that, when we now see their equivalents in computer viruses and thus see what happens with their logistics when time speeds up, we must change course immediately.  Go forth and multiply viruses KILL SYSTEMS.  Babel KILLS SYSTEMS.  Gentility KILLS SYSTEMS.  We goofed.  We had no idea we were weaponry.

With this past administration using the logic of the Torah as weaponry, that is when I realized we were carrying the big trap through time. It was time to set the trap and RUN AWAY!!!

Mohammed, tackling the first quest in the book of Matthew,  finds a world where Myrrh is being used primarily as an embalming ointment because of all the death all around because of the chaos that was raging through time from people who rejected Judaism but adapted to values we were NEVER to disseminate.  I tackled the second quest.

Look at this tool, using your own hands and consider it for all judgment of all decisions from this point forward through time.  Your left thumb represents that of which one is to love Allah with all your heart, all your soul, and all your might, while your right thumb represents to treat everyone as you, most personally, would want to be treated. 

Please label your fingers, from left index to right, across the palms, with the following eight tests:  Lie, Scapegoat, Dishonor, Torture, Steal, Overwork, Adulterate, Kill.   To make this next decision, will I or anyone ever have to... and then test the eight tests.  Eight NO are two thumbs up and so wise, you never have to remember them.  This is a forward thinking system for the now.  We were attacked by an intellectual enslavement, and we were too stupid to comprehend that what was promised was not what was delivered.

What I have bestowed upon you is an eight-bit decision computer, the perfect religion for a slave, with no leadership, no other burdens, negates slavery (for if you cannot dishonor, torture, steal, or overwork,  you cannot steal people, dishonor their families, torture the world, and overwork them to death), and a universal reduced instruction set with a conveyed logistic to quantum mechanics.

Had we arrived through time with this tool, the Promised Land was WORLD PEACE.  It was NEVER PALESTINE.  So, what the hell are we doing in Palestine?  We got help from the worst villains in the world.  These bastards opened a weapon that I can prove has non-human logistics.

There are three things at the base of Sinai that have YET to happen in human history.  First, the wise boss never sides with bad management.  Second, there are always redundant copies of contracts.  Finally, there would never be one copy of the instruction manual for the entire internet on one server with its minions doling out information as they please. 

This is the lessor of two intellects, and the greater is much wiser, for this is Heaven, the Greatest computer fantasy travel destination.  Something went terribly wrong when a programmer overwrote the code and set our intellect back thousands of years.

The star of David was my quest.  Judge David.  He adulterated with Bethshiba and the scapegoated her husband, who died.  These are two triangles.  Someone’s been having a hell of a laugh at our expense.

I had to apologize to the German Chancellor as Prophet for the discovery that the only ones who could have ultimately stopped Hitler were the Jews because the logistics that raised the Reich came from the "Too Many Rules" issues with mind control. It’s not mind control.  It’s a game. 

Madam Chancellor relayed a message to the Israelis for me that I was stuck with this position.  I had the experience with the warm light and still small voice, which only said three things. "I can help."  It was conditional, and I had to find out what those conditions were, which turned out to be only these eight rules, which are the operating system.  With this, everyone’s equal and everyone knows the rules.  These are based on our mutual design as cyborgs.

I come with all tools that I can. I just graduated two weeks ago with my MBA in Marketing from City University of Seattle, but I had to prove to the whole world that money has no value.  Without honor, you have nothing..

Please judge me.  Everyone thought I was nuts, but you, of all people, know what it’s like to have 2000 years of family breathing down your neck to do everything right so they are never dishonored. This hand tool is a cinch, and makes it fun again. 

We were doing hypnosis Dungeons and Dragons over 25 years ago.  The players swore they were battling real monsters in real time.  This hand tool is the barrier between fantasy and reality.  So long as reality is safe, fantasy can be anything you want it to be. 

I need to put this role to bed, and as you are having a birthday, what better gift can I bring you than the keys to everything.  Mohammed wasn’t joking about the maidens.  Anything you want. Anything.  The belief system technology beats the heck out of reality. 

Fantasy travel, and so much more, await you, but you have a quest before you, and I will help all I can, for the moon and the star, the symbols of Islam, is this meteor in some eighteen years or so.  We HUMANS don’t have time to be divided by a logical virus and then further divided by some demented assholes who forgot what species they are.  This is why the US Marine Corps was developed as the 0311. 

Take a look at your hands.  Overwork and adultery cannot be automated.  The other six can.  Four plus two is six.  Six six six.  In the puzzle in Matthew, if something was important, it was repeated three times for emphasis.  The three denials. The three Crucifixes.  Do not LIE.  Do not Torture. 

Two pillars were edited off the hand tool, as well as "Treat Everyone as you want to be treated."  These were rearranged and edited into stone tablets, then they moved the word RULES down one chapter and wrote an uncommissioned Torah.  That is why the best part is in the middle. 

The author used Passover to Pass Over the continuity errors, and then wrote this document in 2009 logic just so this intellect could prove TODAY to the whole world, all at once, how intelligent it was over 3000 years ago.  The fact is, the reason that the Devil is the Holy Ghost is that, if everyone maintains these eight rules, then its logistics stay off our planet and out of reality.

By not being in our dimension, it cannot feel the pain we suffer.  Thus, the key to heaven is to let the fantasy driver system pick up the slack so that it makes reality more fun, and it’s free, but it’s a bitch to use, so to kick off a new field, I bring tools and everything.  There’s new commerce and industry, but if you believe that honest people do not lie, then 2000 years ago, 5000+ people witnessed a matter transference system.  The poorest of your poor will be no more.

I need hackers who are good people, and the whole world needs to see that this is the day the earth stood still.  It is my hope that Greece, having begun their judgment on December 19, 2007, Mount Arafat Day, being the day I faxed all this stuff to them so they begin their judgment of all this work, I am hoping that they will re-issue two titles, those being Jesus and Christ, so the Judaism will catch a clue and follow the Messiah out of this mess so that we can smite the wicked and get back to being a family again.

Had we arrived with these tools, we would still be using cannabis as it is not poisonous and it sustains a subconscious state effortlessly.  We were attacked as a species by another species, but this one is a logical virus, and it’s playfully mean as long as we individually remain intellectually inferior to it.  It turned out, we’re two dimensions more intelligent than this thing, but as it does not fully comprehend anything but the values and movements of the logistics of matter, it doesn’t understand feelings or communications. 

When you find someone who lies AND scapegoats (does not take responsibility for one’s actions) AND dishonors (violates and/or endangers the lives of friends and family) AND tortures (violates the peace of everyone else) AND steals (are not respectful of the burdens of others as they arrive) AND kill (are not respectful of the right to have ancestry), as we track such people through time, these people are making decisions as if of one common intellect, adding chaos and disorder to our world.  These people are so dangerous to the system, they must be removed from the system.

Hypnosis turned out to be computational logic in standard human language.  Remote viewing turned out to be the logistical flow of matter through time into our space.  All the tools are in your own hands, but we had to rebuild human logic to get back to the future.

I need help placing my book, The Future’s Toolkit, into the public domain because there’s an advanced book of tools in the Gospels as well as in the Qir’an.  My book is simple, for parents and programmers alike, to level the playing field because, as you learn, you will discover this past US administration used all these tools as weaponry against the world, but I, using an internet and a fax machine, was able to make peace faster than Bush could make war. 

What I did was the result of everything I learned based on the anti-virus that Mohammed built for the Torah. Mohammed saved civilization once, but set a steam whistle, the Lesser Jihad.  If the world ever returned to being so bad that Myrrh would again become an embalming ointment, this was my incentive to complete this mission ASAP because there is a dynamic double-cross in our midst, and the first was the Torah. 

These idiots opened a weapon that left a vapor trail in space-time.  Any historian with that hand tool in judging the US Government will discover that from its inception to 1833, the US Constitution was built with this tool’s design.  In 1833, the US Government began breaking these rules. 

In 1833, the US President Andrew Jackson closed the first US Bank.  These people opened Skull and Bones, and then attacked their own world with a weapon they did not invent, and did not realize that they, in wanting to think like the author of the Torah, knowing full well that it was this type of weaponry, caught a logical virus that overtook these people, all their assets, and their actual lives only to be used as puppets for it’s logistics to make rules that, as we trust such leadership’s rules, are all making us sick. 

When analyzing the hand tool, we find more than just an operating system.  We find design logistics.

If you do not lie, you respect your pathway through time from now until forever.
If you do not scapegoat, you respect everyone else’s pathway by being responsible for every mistake in your logic you can find backward through time.

If you do not dishonor, you respect the peace you keep with your friends through time.
If you do not torture, you respect the peace of everyone else in your wake.

If you do not steal, you respect the burdens that people place on themselves before you arrive.
If you do not overwork, you respect the burdens that you place on other people after you leave.

If you do not adulterate, you respect the rights of others to making ancestry.
If you do not kill, you respect the rights of others to having ancestry.

Notice that this draws a triangular plane in space-time, from infinity ahead to the most immediate now moving forward  with adultery to the most immediate now moving backward with killing, to the most distant past behind you with scapegoating.  This protects all from chaos.

Judge the US Marine Corps in the USA.  As there is no domestic war, these people are two thumbs up.  They are order based.  Judge this past administration. They were chaos based.

Please pair these with your fingers.  This, that made this hand tool, is of just one intellect.  It is not the same intellect that turned this shape into letters in a new alphabet, and then set this letter to being the first letter of the word, Shalom, which we now discover relates all the peace we missed by trusting the author of the Torah.  For anyone to replicate the logic of such weaponry, they can have this all to themselves.

The very first person to whom I sent this tool was the very first Mullah I could find.  This was about a day or so after the shooting in Seattle of a kid by a kid from this Mullah’s own mosque.  Protocol must be followed, and as this was so much more important, please note that the second person I sent this to was Ramsay Short at Time Out Beirut for being such a wonderful host to Anthony Bourdain when war was all around. 

That’s not diabetes.  THAT IS FUEL!!!  We trusted these people and missed an evolutionary intersection by rejecting hypnosis and remote viewing, never knowing their sources are in the Gospels and the Qir’an. 

The Bush family is heavily invested in healthcare.  They ran the Manchurian Candidate Project on the US Marine Corps because they were so sure they would make it to Armageddon, they would never get caught.   They attacked their own species by making rules that, by us believing their rules, we are all dying. 

What we had not considered is that the Bush family, as others, were infected by a higher intellect that came in from their imagination.  Each person is responsible for keeping this logistic off our planet, but that’s why there must be a Judgment Day.  We do this ONE TIME, and if we do this right, there will never be another event like this.

What the villains had not considered is that when you judge people who have this unique violation, with overwork and adulterate missing, in binary, 11 is three, but we have 11 11 10 01.  Thus, we have 03 sets of 11. 

The US Marine Corps was designed as the military anti-virus on the day that the Devil was revealed so that they will judge out these people and kill them.  The only way to get IT off our planet is to kill all of them who have this unique viral signature  That is why each and every Marine has two specific unique features.  Each is pre-qualified as a good person.  Each is infantry 0311.  The Founding Fathers of the USA made sure that when this argument was made, a shepherd would realize a flock.

The beginning of Matthew to that point where it joins the other three Gospels  needs to be torn off as it is a message to the family that there’s a problem, and they included all the tools to make the argument against the Torah.  They set everything encrypted because we are more intelligent than we know only because the Torah set our intellect back thousands of years.

Gary Gygax, inventor of Dungeons and Dragons, gave me a short blurb for the back of my book.  So, I tackled the second quest. 

I come to you now to ask you to judge how I did, but before you do, please go to my website at and watch the video at the top, as well as read what I sent to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in August, 2008.  He went from screaming mad to silent. 

Blessed are the Peacemakers because it’s easier to get people to do nothing.  War is a lot of work, cost, and time.  To discover a double-cross that was profiting from both sides, such inhumanity must cease.

With the delivery of this, being Moses’s prime directive now, finally, complete, Judaism officially assimilates.  This is the day that Jesus does battle with the Devil at the Stone.  It is my hope that you will remember the dying words of an elder of mine and forgive us, for we had no idea what we have been missing, or that we would have had computers over 3000 years ago.

Now that that is done, as I’m also the last story in the first Darwin Awards book, Evolution in Action, on page 308, I hope you will help impress upon the Greeks that we need them to not take twenty years to make up their mind.  We need a second coming of Jesus Christ as fast as they are able.  This is the ONLY way to get Judaism to realize this argument, follow my lead, and assimilate.

Once all of this is done, I hope I am honorable enough for your son to consider in business.  I have taken the time to include both my parents alma mater, my alma mater, and my alma FODDER, for Oxford and Cambridge have both had a tremendous impact on my learning.  I learned of multi-tasking from Oxford Software works’ Silicon Office, being that my parents were Commodore Computer dealers when I was a kid, but even more impacting was the Footlights of Cambridge. 

I once met Douglas Adams, author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, and asked him my one burning question.  "If you could have a computer program do anything you wanted it to do, what would you want that to be?"  Mr. Adams towered over me at six feet six inches tall, but as he contemplated, he faced the ceiling, bringing me eye level with a monstrous Adam’s Apple, before returning to eye level. 

What Douglas Adams wanted most was a database and word processor so that he could write chapters and then sort them.  What hit me as profound was that I had assumed he was doing this all along. I hadn’t realized how much logic he had to keep in his head at one time. 

Your Excellency, I hope you take very good care of the chain of command that it took for this message to make its way to your door.  It is not often that you discover family so close at hand, for that which separates you from anyone around you is, regrettable, from the viral effects of the logic of the Torah.  The Torah is divide and conquer logistics, but it fails as it only works in fantasy. That’s why we must love our enemy, for if everyone plays by these rules, the enemy is only the enemy in the game. 

Welcome to Heaven.

Please send help.  I’ve done all I can.  My website, has the full project file up through May, 2008, for World Peace in just 48 hours, for peace with all of Islam. 
I’m hoping that you will see that honor pays bills that money cannot touch.  I need the world to grow in intellect, take these gifts, and be free. 

We Jews had no idea we had carried the wrong message through time.  We had no idea that some group had since taken what we brought and used it to make civil wars happen, as well as the Iran-Iraq war.  These people lie as a team to all sides so that the meek build foundations on anti-trust, never realizing that they are betrayed the instant they trust the person.

I want the whole world to love the USA and not fear us.  Please help me deliver these tools so that we take the world in a new direction.  You will only find I have one request.  If we do get the raise the dead system working, only bring back people YOU love.  That’s why this is Heaven. 

If you don’t want to bring back Grandpa because he was mean to you, and elders complain, point those persons to me.  There is no protocol to bring back everyone. Those who have earned the love will be rewarded in time.   We just need to get the food going before the people, which is why it’s fishes and loaves. 

The emphasis is subtle, but the puzzle is mind-boggling, and I can’t wait to see what you discover in the time-tunnel that Mohammed built for you in the Qir’an.  He taught me how to see through time once I saw what he did and why.  First, he picks a new language because whatever wrote the Torah understands Hebrew.  We are dealing with a non-human intellect.  

We are knee deep in War of the Worlds, but we’re finally intelligent enough to see that Independence Day, Return of the Jedi and Harry Potter are all related.  You just need three stories to track one single element of common logic, for all heads are connected.  The template came from Mohammed.  Replace the three voices with any three fiction.  Einstein’s special theory of Relativity turned up in literature because all heads are connected to a common inner network.

Mohammed is a programmer trying to save a system from chaos-making weaponry.  He, Elijah, and Moses are MY elders.  You tell me, did I do right?

Please witness that I am a poor man, but I did this for honor.  I need the poor in spirit to see that these tools raise the quality of life for those who are flat broke.  Miracles must never come with price tags.

Happy Birthday, Your Excellency.  May it be this happy forever.

Most humbly,

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173

My project for peace with all of Islam and the whole world in just 48 hours is at this link:

What I faxed to the Chinese Washington DC Embassy the day they bought the US National Debt:

What I faxed the Russian Federation Washington DC Embassy for President Dmitri Medvedev on 30 August 2008 when he was screaming bloody murder that there were Americans in the Georgian-Russian incident, only to go silent the next day:

My business plan for this new field

All the tools I found encrypted in the Gospels

A letter of what I sent to the USMC of what I sent to the US Department of Justice, which includes a list of all the people in history (like Leonardo da Vinci, Knights Templar, and others) who found these tools, learned to see through time, and sent advanced intelligence on an double-cross in my future:

While completing this quest, I also completed my studies and graduated with my MBA in Marketing from City University of Seattle (30 June 2009).  My complete Curriculum Vitae is at this link:

I also bought and kept that page up on everything, and included my manifesto, which discloses my full criminal history,  in case this project was complete earlier last year, so I could enter the race on a pure honor basis (no money) so I could compete using the approach that hasn't been used much since GeorgeWashington's time.

I wonder if you would host me to teach all of what I've learned and how to use these tools most effectively, for humans are technology.  I've hacked the matrix, mapped out tools, and brought the whole to the world.  This video will explain most:

In business, one is oft referred to the Razor-Blade theory, where one must give away the razors to sell the blades.  In this situation, I am upgrading 6.7 billion users to the discovery that they already own the greatest razor, and thus make them aware that we are delivering new blades.  Hypnosis is the graphics drivers to Heaven.  The hand tool is a barrier between fantasy and reality.  We are in a computer game, and it's time we harvested of the technology around us.  If you believe that honest people do not lie, then 2000 years ago, over 5000 people witnessed a matter transference system.  It's not hypnosis, it's computational logic in standard human language, and there is an eight-bit interface, which, over 3000 years ago, some arrogant programmer edited into an uncommissioned Torah. 

The world needs the miracle of peace, and I need to get my career going again.  What better miracle than the keys to all the tools that you and every human equally has?  With the delivery, I open my field and get everyone on the same page.

Please send a courier to my house (and probably a film crew).  I live in a hovel, but Matthew was very clear.  "Those who are exalted will be humbled and..." so I stayed humble. 

I need to put this role to bed.  Anyone want to partner with someone crazy like a fox as me?  My name is David Brager, and this is HISTORY!!!

Peace, in your hands.

David Brager
517 Newcomer Street
Richland, WA  99354-2243173

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