Name: Amy Samantha Nonaka
Age: 13 years old
Digimon: Foxmon
I used to live in: Colorado, USA
Now I live with: Rika Nonaka,   my cousin, in Tokyo, Japan.
Best friends: Willis, Rika,      Katherine, Kari, DN, TK...     basically all the digidestined and tamers!
Favorite pass-times: Playing soccer, volley-ball, football and basket-ball. Also reading and hanging out with friends!
Welcome to the about us part of the website! Here, you can learn a little about us and soon enough, a fanfiction will be written and posted in the fanfiction area (with all the digidestined and tamers as characters, and us as well). So, read on and give us your comments about what you think so far!
Katherine Kamiya, webmisstress 
Amy Nonaka, news flash personel
Amy Nonaka
Amy Nonaka, news flash personel
Katherine Kamiya
Katherine Kamiya, webmisstress
Name: Hikatherine "Katherine" Kamiya
Age: 13 years old
Digimon: Gazomon
Crest: Sight
I live with: Tai Kamiya and Kari Kamiya, my brother and twin sister, in Tokyo Japan
Best friends: DN, Amy, Willis, Tai, TK, in fact, all the digidestined and tamers!!!
Favorite pass-times: Playing soccer with Tai, laughing at Davis, hanging-out with my sister and TK and DN, and just going into the digi-world to be with my best buds!
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