"Ryo Akiyama" is Mine
e-mail me some hot info with news as the subject!
+..Main News Flash..+..Contest 1..+..Contest 2..+..Top Quotes..+..Story..+
May 10, 2003:
Sorry for the late update peeps! The story should be up in moments so check that out before leaving (and the story is written by US and not someone else). Also, Oni Kamen has donated his story so if anyone else would like to donate their fanfictions, be our guest. If you have any favorite quotes, send them to us, we always read your e-mails. Also, for the story, if you have any suggestions or ideas, please send them to me, I'm realllllly desperate for e-mails! Oh, yah, and this story will include pictures of the characters, so you won't be completely lost when you're reading the story. Ciao for now, and send your e-mails by the bundle!
Amy Nonaka, news flash personel
Top Quote of the month:
Davis: "I was accidentally playing soccer indoors and somehow a window broke."
April 17, 2003:
Hey peeps! Finally, another update! Justbringing up to date, with a little bit of juicy info about this part of the site. Starting now, a story will be posted right here to amuse you and give you another great reason to visit the site. This story is a digimon fanfiction and will include all the digidestined, including us! Also, you can send me your e-mails that have suggestions for the story and a title for the story, because right now, we`re at a loss for a title. So, we need your help to send us a title and finally have a name for our masterpiece (I know it sonds a little corny and that I sound a lot like a superhero when I say that, but hey, at least it`s partly true). If you want, you can also send me your favorite quotes to have another top quote for the month of May! I haven`t received confirmation for my first news flash that digimon has been sold, so if anyone reads this, PLEASE SEND NOW! So far, my mailbox is holding... ONE E-MAIL! Not that I want 50 e-mails a day, but what can I do to pass the time if  I can`t answer e-mails? Anyways, g2g for now and read the story on your way out!
..+~Power of the crest of Truth!!!~+..
Amy Nonaka, news flash personel
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