+..Main News Flash..+..Contest 1..+..Contest 2..+..Top Quotes..+..Story..+
1. " I was accidentally playing soccer inside and somehow a window broke."
2. Matt- I was just resting my eyes.
Joe- Well, your eyes were snoring pretty loudly.
9. "Stay outta my tree! I know exactly how many pieces of bark are on it."
8. Joe- They don't call me 'Old Reliable' for nothing
Gomamon- But they don't
Joe- I'll ignore that
7. Upomon- Hey it's a big gust of wind
Cody- No it's just Davis
Yolei- Same thing
6. "What, do you think I'm too stupid to understand?" Tai
"YES, but I'll tell you anyway." Izzy
5. " Cody, I know you're just a kid, but sometimes, you have the wisdom of an old man of twenty."
4. Izzy- Do you know what a semi-conductor is?
Tai- A guy who works part-time on a train?
3. "Kari's at a friend's house doing a project on gravity and they need to see how long I can stand on my head."
And the #1 Quote of the month is ....
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