Henry Wong
Henry Wong aka Jenrya Lee is like a second in command.  Soft at heart, he never resolves to fighting first, just talking things out.  Henry received Terriermon from a digimon game his father gave him. While playing the game, Terriermon (his chosen digimon) was hurt and Henry felt so bad, he cried his heart and because of his pain, Terriermon came out of the screen and from then on Terriermon became his digimon.
Yes, Henry has the same digimon as Wallace aka Willis and his sister Siuchon aka Suzy has Lopmon, Terriermon's twin. Terriermon is kind of a jokester because he loves making fun of people, and Henry always has to dicipline him by explaining that making fun of others hurts their feeling. In all, these two suit each other perfectally!
Name: Henry Wong / Jenrya Lee
Age: 13 years old
Digimon: Terriermon
D-Arc Color: Green
Family: Mother, Father, little sister Siuchon Lee / Suzy Wong
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