Me, Myself and I

My three favorite people

There are many ways to get to know me, if you want the straight info follow the page to the bottom. If you want more interesting ways check these out:

Ah those fun internet email forwarded questionaires that you remove the answers some one sent you and fill in yours. How fun. Well I get them often, here is just one example of my fun answers!
Astrology is a science, kind of, the more into a person's star chart you get, the more accurate it is. It would take over 2000 years to get a person with your exact chart. Well Sun signs are fine, but here is a description of my Sun/Moon sign combined. And it even boggles me how every single aspect fits me perfectly!!!
The is a fascinating site. There are many quizzes and tests you can take. Kind of like personality tests but more intriguing. My Bitch score is impressive. Here are the scores I got on different tests. Visit and take them yourself, see how you compare to me.

As far as further details into my life, I was born in Ronkonkoma, Long Island, which is a part of New York. I am the youngest of two. My brother, Robert, is 3 years older than me and lives in CA with his wife, Ming. My mom, Georgiana, currently works at Bloomingfoods and is glad to be out of the hell that is Target. My dad still works at Otis Elevator and is getting retirement plans together. They are gonna move to Ohio with me! YAY! They live in Bloomington, IN, which was my home for around 12 years. Right now I live in Middletown, OH with my husband Shane. I work at the UCC Children's center as the toddler teacher(18month to 30 months). I love kids! I work with children because I act like one myself. I get to play, sing, draw and get hugs and love and I get paid for it! Sure I get snot wiped on me, get peed on and have to change poopy diapers, but that is all part of the magic of toddlers! More personally I would have to say that if you think that women are hard to figure out, meet the epitome of mystery! Even I can't figure myself out! I am an artist. I like to write, (see my poetry section), draw, sing, dance, craft, etc etc. I also love to act. I am currently a part of the Firebird Theatre in Mason. I also play Magenta in the Dayton Affair cast which performs Rocky Horror every saturday at midnight at the Neon Movies. I play the sultry, sexy and seductive "Domestic". If you have never seen the movie, see it. But please see it in a theatre. It is a whole different experience than just renting it. TRUST ME! Music is my life. I have way too many CDs but I cannot help it! My favorite band is Queen. Second favorite is the Spice Girls. I am Sassy Spice heehee. But I love so many different kinds of music. Even music I am not fond of I still will dance to. Anyone out there who wants to trade mix tapes just email me or something. I love making tapes and receiving them! Other ways to contact me are ICQ (47623272) As I said, I am a very complex hard to understand person, but don't try to understand me, just get to know me!

Return to the dance floor baby!

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