I got this questionaire out to me, and here are my answers

1. Name: Heather Elizabeth Brown
2. Nickname:Kitty
3. Hometown: Ronkonkoma, Long Island (NY)
4. School: the one I teach toddlers at :)
5. Boxers or Briefs: on men? Neither! Get naked baby! heehee
6. Favorite Bra: one that is not too tight, feels comfy and the straps don't fall down. (a dream bra, they all suck!)
7. Bacon Bits or Croutons: neither! yuck!
8. Favorite salad dressing: Vinegar & oil
10.What type of deodorant do you use: Dove, they make great soaps too!
11.Favorite shampoo or conditioner: Any, and a lot of conditioner, my tangles need it!
12.Have you ever been skinny dipping?:Hell no! I have never been skinny in my life!
13.Ever make fun of people:What do you think bozo?
14.Favorite color: BLUE
15.Ever been convicted of a crime:Nope, I am too smart for that.
16.Best friend: my mom
17.One pillow or two: 2 big fluffy pillows
18.Pets: 2 Rats- Ratasha and Rattata, an Iguana-Peedy Irene Guanalapolis, two hamsters- Christmas and Geoffrey, and some dumb fish which are Shane's.
19.Favorite movie(s): Rocky Horror, Highlander, Pokemon, Labyrinth, Heathers, and any movie with Geoffrey Rush in it!
20.Favorite type of music:Anything realy, no Cure though, and no early EARLY Syd Barrett Pink Floyd!
21.Hobbies: singing, doing anything artistic, reading, playing, mall ratting, garage sailing...
22.Dream car: 57 Chevy Black with a chrome stripe, a royal blue Prowler, a black PT Cruiser....or one that never breaks down!
23.Type of car you drive:None of the ones listed above I tell you that! But at least Shane has his dream car: a 95 Lebaron Convertable.
24.Word or phrase you overuse: Shane (since I talk about him so much!)
25.Toothpaste: the fruity kids kind
26.Favorite food: steak, cucumbers, bread, chicken and after 25 years of fighting it---Broccoli!!!!
27.Crush: Geoffrey Rush, Roger Taylor (drummer of Queen), Gangrel (WWF wrestler), Antonio Bandaras (yum)
28.Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Shane, he is my husband & boyfriend!
29.Tattoos: Not yet heehee
30.Do you get along with you parents: Hell yeah! 3 hours is too far from them in my opinion!
31.Fave town to chill in: Whatever has kewl stores and things to do.
32.Favorite ice cream: French Vanilla
33.Favorite soda: Tahitian Treat
34.Whats your bedtime: Early, believe it or not.
35.Adidas, Nike, or Reebok: None! They are all overpriced ugly fad shoes.
36.Favorite perfume/cologne: Sunflowers (Drakar for Shane)
37.Favorite sport: bowling, golf, um....any really.
39.Favorite class in school:art, english (not the grammar)
40.Least Fav class: gym, for private reasons
41.Favorite sport to watch: see question 37
42.Least fav sport to watch: Tennis
43.Most humiliating moment: None, anyone have an offer?
44.Favorite holiday: Christmas
45.Age: Currently 26 as of this 7-24-01 update
48.What do you look for in the opposite sex:proper genitalia heehee. What I look for? Shane, everything about him, good and bad.
50.Place to live: Favorite? how about a castle heehee
51.Number of kids you hope to have:2, if Shane doesn't kill them first :)
52.Names of kids:Girl: Marilyn Victoria, and Dante Ashton
Broken the law? Yeah but no one has found the bodies yet.
Played strip poker? I prefer strip parcheesi
Had a medical emergency? Yeah, broke my collar bone
Love at first sight? Yes, that is how I found Shane.
God? Would have to say that I am an atheist, for lack of a better term. How about NON religious, don't care, I just be the best person I can be!
Horoscopes?I believe anything is possible, just maybe not probable.
Hell?:Ever been to Middletown Ohio?
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Oranges or apples?apples, but I like orange juice better than apple juice. odd.
Deaf or blind? neither is better per say, but since music is so important to me, blind
Hot tubs or pools? Neither, have to be seen in a bathing suit! ick!
TV or Radio? Radio
Tall or short? SHORT!!!!
Took a shower? dunno, I usually take baths
Watched Bambi? can't remember actually
Cried? You mean really cried or fake cried to get attention from Shane?
Got a real letter? everyday, bill collector.
Kissed someone?: this morning
WHAT IS.........
Your most prized possession? my newborn love of life
Your good luck charm? my new positive attitude
Worst song? Anything the Cure sings,and any of the old OLD Syd Barrett Pink Floyd crap!
Most Embarrassing CD in your collection? None, I am proud of everything I have, even Spice Girls!
Whats your bedroom like? Like a hurricane went through it.
Your favorite lunch food: deli cold cuts
Abortion? I don't think about abortion.
Bill Clinton?:They should have aborted him LOL
Rap? Like old school, like the new white rap, don't like gangsta
Country? I like many female singers, not male singers as much
Classical? love classical, especially Bach!
Makes you laugh the most? me!
Do you go to for advice? my mom
Do you hate? Hate is negative love, I do not need negative thinking in my life
Who has it easier, guys or girls? neither, they both have good and bad things
Who are your favorite persons to talk to?my mom and my husband and myself
Do you save emails? depends
Best lyrics from a song? "And just when you least expect it, just what you least expect"-Pet Shop Boys
Best inside joke?: Don't make me buy a pepperoni!
Who do you want to love you? myself, and I finally do.

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