(Home)(My Family)(My Education)(My Hobbies)(My Friends)

Okay first and foremost, I would like to share about my family! yayy :D
I was born in an extremely happy family and I am totally grateful with that. As you can see in the photo above, I am the only girl in the family.
That makes me an unofficially princess in the family. HAHAHA,

My father(usually we called him Abah), Hazwari bin Othman are the greatest person I've ever met. He was my hero, he is my hero and he will always be my hero! SuperAbah come to rescue the world :D
Next, the woman who is wearing yellowish shawl is my mother. She's pretty isn't she ? :D Commonly, a teenage girl tend to be closed with her friend rather that her own mother. But it goes vice versa for me. It feels comfortable for me to tell her all my secrets and problems. It really helps me a lot, you know? Ahh not to forget my Ibu which is also the queen of my heart name is Rozalina Bt Idris

Okay now lets talk about my brother.
I have 2 brother, both of them always make my day upside down but still I love them so much. Haha.
Muhammad Danial Haikal was born in 14th February and he meant everything for me. He isn't normal due to an extra chromosome. Hahaha I was just joking. He is down syndrome. The way he think is not like a normal person. He's so unique and that is one of the reason why I love him so much.

Muhammad Danish Iman, a standard 4 boy who's always my up a smile in my face when ever I'm having a badmood day.
He is also my wrestling partner. Hahaha.

Okay, I think that's all I want to say about my cute little family. Byeee :D