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java Applet

FreewareJava.com is an excellent starting point to everything Java on the net. One can find direct links to FREE Java applets of all types, Java tutorials, references, articles, and everything in between. Java developers and enthusiasts will find this site an invaluable resource for all their Java needs.

The Java Boutique is a collection of applets that you can put on your own pages. It also features Java technology news, links to other Java programming language resources, and more.

JARS, the Java Applet Rating Service, is another haunt for discovering the new and innovative in the world of Java technology development.

Developer.com's Java Directory is one of the premier sites on the Internet for finding applets and information about the Java programming language.


Java Scripts

JavaScript is an extremely popular site giving a vast array of scripts that are very helpful to both novice and experts alike. With easy step by step instructions of writing your own scripts.

Script Source is another popular site that gives away FREE Java Scripts. As with the previous site this also gives easy to navigate and alphabetical scripting search.


java development kits

JDK is the original development kit for designing your own Java Applets. The kit includes compiler, Interpreter, applet-viewer and demo applets.

Microsofts contribution to the development of Java. This kit is known as Visual J++.

Netscape DevEdge Program gives members in-depth technical information on Java-based Netscape technologies.

Kawa is another delevopment tool that enables applets to be written and compiled.


Java Community

The JavaRanch is an on-line community catering to people trying to learn Java for the first time.

The Java Lobby is a group of people who share a common interest in development of software written in the Java programming language, and the advancement of Java platform standards and software.

iSavvix, the community for Java enthusiasts. Your personal JavaServer Pages (JSP) programming environment with support for JDBC and XML (javax.xml, org.xml, Apache Xerces, etc.).

Beans for Business is an independent community for developers using Enterprise JavaBeans. The site features an EJB solution-centered discussion, a center for EJB knowledge and a download section, populated with useful tools and code.


The Complete idiot's Guide to Java 1.2 ©1999 by Que. An informative insight into Java for experienced programmers or no programming experience.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition. A thorough description of JavaScript language, complete with sophisticated examples to handle common tasks. Also contains a definitive, in-depth reference section

JavaScript for the World Wide Web : Visual QuickStart Guide, Third Edition. An excellent book that that covers essential topics as dynamic images, adding smart forms, and how to liven up your web page. The book is written in a excellent step-by-step approach with generous amounts of screen shots and sample code.

JavaScript Bible, Third Edition. Provides in-depth coverage of such JavaScript basics as document objects, forms, multiple windows, frames, and more. Fully revised and updated to include JavaScript 1.2.

Getting Started with Java Technology is a sort of starter kit for newcomers -- a route through our web site for teaching yourself about Java technology and for writing applets and applications as soon as possible.

Clash of the titans. Read whats going on in JavaWorld with the latest update's around and the progress between Microsoft and Sun Microsystems lawsuit.


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Last Updated: 12th March 2001

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