Jackie O and Beau welcome their 2015 litter

On Tuesday, we went and had the tails and dewclaws done on the pups.
These are some super strong pups and definitely on the large size.  They are already
large enough to get their collars on at 4 days old.  So now everyone can tell who is who
when we get group pics up.

Pups are now listed by color, sex and the largest to the smallest in that combination

(click on the pics for a bigger view)

Jackie's Pedigree

Beau's Pedigree

Jackie O  Beau




2 day weights 4 day weights 6 day weights color/sex
collar color
1 lb 6 oz  1 lb 11 oz 1 lb 15 oz black female
1 lb 4 oz  1 lb 6 oz 1 lb 15 oz black male
sold-Samantha (1)
1 lb 6 oz  1 lb 6 oz 1 lb 14 oz black male
 sold-Courtney (3)
1 lb 5 oz 1 lb 6 oz  1 lb 14 oz black male
sold-Alec (2)
1 lb 4 oz  1 lb 6 oz 1 lb 14 oz black male
1 lb 3 oz 1 lb 12 oz  2 lb 1 oz blue male
sold-Ava (1)
1 lb 4 oz  1 lb 8 oz 1 lb 15 oz blue male
sold-Tracy (2)
1 lb 5 oz 1 lb 6 oz  1 lb 10 oz blue male
1 lb 7 oz  1 lb 8 oz 2 lb 0 oz fawn male

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