Questions & Answers

Q. Ok, so I need a dog walker - how do I set this up?
A. The first thing you need to do is fill out the Skippy Spirits Info Sheet. Then, call or e-mail Skippy Spirits to set up a free interview
to discuss your needs, concerns and schedule. Please make copies of any keys needed to enter your home to pick up your pet.

Q. Does my dog need to meet any requirements?

Q. How does payment work?
A. Skippy Spirits accepts payment in advance or at the end of each week. If I walk him Monday to Friday, payment is due on Friday.
You can leave cash or a personal check.

Q. How will I know how/what my dog is doing on his walks?
A. Skippy Spirits is happy to provide a quick “doggie diary”, or Skippy Spirits can e-mail either daily or weekly to let you know
what your pooch has been up to. You will be notified immediately if Skippy Spirits has any concerns about your dog’s behavior or health.

Q. How much notice do I need to give for a walk or cancellation?
A. Skippy Spirits would like as much notice as possible if your dog does not have a regular routine
since Skippy Spirits schedule changes frequently. A week in advance is adequate. As long as Skippy Spirits' schedule permits,
we will squeeze your pup in on short notice - just call! As far as cancellations go, two days are appreciated.
If I arrive at your place and your dog isn’t there, you will be required to pay for the walk.

Q. What if it’s raining? What if my dog gets dirty?
A. Your dog will be walked rain or shine. On really wet days Skippy Spirits naturally will try to keep them out of the mud,
but dogs will be dogs (they love to get dirty!), so I do ask that you keep a towel handy so that I can dry him off if necessary.
Please note that if I am walking your dog in a group, there is a limit to how much time I can spend cleaning off your dog when I drop him off.
I do as much as I can, but I can’t bathe your dog if I have others waiting on me.
I will be happy to crate him or block him in a designated area if you wish -
just let me know! Also, you have the option of having your pooch kept on-leash on those days.

Q. Do you ever go on vacation?
A. From time to time, (I will give you lots of notice) Skippy Spirits will require a day or two off.

Q. Do you keep client’s key/alarm codes confidential?
A. Absolutely! Keys are stored in a locked key box, with coded labels to ensure your security and anonymity.

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