Rose Events
To all members of the sorority, we are having an outing at Visionland Saturday, we will be meeting @ 10:00 a.m. for a fun filled sorority day with Delta Psi Omega...
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The Step Practice will be held at Iesha's house August 8th @ 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Reminder: we will not practice in tennis shoes, we will practice in heels, so if you have some, please be sure to wear them or bring along...
Delta Psi Omega will be hosting interviews for the young ladies who have what it takes to be a ROSE.... Interviews will be @ Five Points West Library @ 6:00 p.m. Dress to impress, $10 will be required for an application. Thanks and see you there...
From The President of Delta Psi Omega...
ATTENTION!! All members of the sorority, Step practice will be held at Iesha's house on Monday's from 6p.m.-8p.m. & Friday's from 6p.m.-10p.m. If you have any questions call, Iesha @ 786-6732. Thanks from your president...
Click on the puppy...
Delta Psi Omega, Sorority Incorporated is hosting Interviews to start a line for the Fall season, so if you think you have what it takes to be a ROSE, then come see us @ Five Points West Library from 12 p.m.- 3 p.m. Dress to impress (Business Casual). A $10 application fee is required... Thanks from the President of DPO....
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