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What A Time
Excuse me, do you have the time
Well, the last time I checked, I was one of a kind
But now, now I'm just another dime

Lying in the middle of the street,
Old and crusted over in defeat
I'm trying to be discreet

By watching what I say
See I'm mad at myself because the nigga I'm with likes to play,
Treats me like a horse eating hay

And what I mean, he plays games you see
He's not with me
But with the whole damn community

Oops, there I go talking too much as I was told
He tells me the game is to be sold
But to me, getting rid of this nigga is my main goal

Yet I'm only a young girl
Living in a big black ghetto world
And every time he rapes me, I just have to hurl

I use to be so inocent
Until I wanted to be independent
And now I'm far from being heaven sent

I'm mad at myself because I failed
Life has knocked me down and dragged me by the tail
I am so glad I made early bail

But that's another story, when I was in my other mind
Excuse me, do you have the time

Written By: April Asberry
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