I don't quite remember when I woke up�but we headed down to get in line about 7:30 to 7:45am. 

9 AM - Panel #5 - Colin Cunningham and JR Bourne

The first panel was at 9am again (not that it would actually start then), with Colin and JR.  First, like yesterday, Allen had to make some announcements.  But then we heard a voice from backstage.  Allen's conscience so the voice said, it told him not to turn around.  Allen was quite obviously not expecting this but reluctantly obeyed and did not turn around.  Then JR came out with a long red wig covering his face.  He was the puppet for Colin's voice back stage.  Then Colin came up from behind the middle prop with a blond wig on.  These two are crazy!  They really do seem to be good friends.  When things calmed down they got comfortable in their chairs and the panel truly began.  We found out that the leather jacket Colin was wearing was part of JR's costume from Big Sound.  He said he thought JR looked better in it so had him out it on and showed up that is said "sex" all over it.  Yet again today Colin jumped down into the audience and came to visit all of us in the cheap seats!  Yet another example of why he was my favorite guest.  Security didn't rush over this time; by now he didn't have any by his own request and walked around the hotel freely.  Not that he needed one; it's not like anything happened to him without one.

Amanda joined them for a bit before she had to go sign autographs.  I don't remember many of the questions asked (I should take notes if I go again) but I do remember a few highlights.  I think someone wanted Colin to sing, but he said he'd rather conduct us.  He asked if he could conduct us all in a round of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat".  JR and Amanda helped.  Colin started the right half (my right, their left) and Amanda started my side, the left.  I don't think she knew exactly what she was doing, when she cued us it got all messed up.  Eventually we all very humorously gave up. 
JR called his sister Kim at one point.  She's the mother of Maddy, the niece that JR does all the CF fundraising for.  Maddy talked and JR put the cell up to his microphone.  She's so cute!  She said she was making a pair of binoculars�it was either for him to see her from Vancouver or for her to see him in Vancouver�like I said got to take notes!  Then after he asked her a question we waited for so long for her to answer until he finally realized she must have hung up.  When he called back he realized that he had accidentally hung up on her!  The call back was basically to say good bye. It was nice to see what a great relationship he had with his sister.

The funniest part of the panel was Amanda Tapping describing her experiences in renovating a house she and her husband bought.  She said it was a house "built by Papa Smurf on crack."  I thought she was exaggerating until she told us more.  For example: there was tile laid over shag carpeting, which was laid over hardwood floors!?  There was also a ceiling with no supporting beam (so the roof was just sort of laying on the top), and the wring was all over the place.

I remember Colin mistaking someone's question for "how's your knob?"  (I believe it was directed towards JR and it was "How's your dog?")  JR responded with "A little tired" to Colin's interpretation of the question.  But like he said at Sekh's Party Scooby is doing better and will recover.  After the panel Gilder got her picture with them and her San Antonio bumper sticker like promised earlier.

9:45 AM - Panel #6 - Gary Jones, Don S. Davis & Jay Acovone

Next up was Gary Jones, Don S. Davis and Jay Acovone.  I learned quite quickly that Don really likes to drink, LMAO.  Also that he got a tour of the real Cheyenne Mountain.  He said it wasn't nearly as big or elaborate as the SG-1 set.  Gary said sarcastically that it was a military facility and he highly doubted they showed him much.

Another highlight of the panel was Gary explaining why his son was an Abydonian.  Instead of 'dog' he says 'dobie' and he really likes Amanda Tapping's dog Abby.  He says that "Abby's a dobie".  Get it?  Abby dobie?  He got a kick out of it and said how appropriate he thought it was considering which show he worked on�  Gary also told us about the comedy routine he did for Bill Gates on New Years Eve 2000.  He said sarcastically that the best place to be for Y2K was Bill Gates' house.

Remember when someone asked Colin to tell us something about Major Davis that no one else knows, and he said he wears pantyhose and so did Hammond?  Well it turns out Don really does (or has) wear pantyhose!  Though he said that when he did the horse stunt riding someone suggested he wear them because they help stop the friction that creates saddle sores�so it wasn't anything�umm�kinky like Colin hinted at.  This story of course put Jay and Gary into hysterics.  Jay said he remembered Don wearing lipstick and a wig at the last Gatecon�and Gary said that he himself got fired from stunt riding because he kept trying to put the pantyhose on the horse!

10:45 AM - Break
11 AM-1 PM -
1 PM-1:30 PM -
Lunch Break
Somewhere in these breaks I got my pictures back.  The ones with Jay and Peter turned out okay but I hate with ones with Frida and Colin, they look great�I look terrible.  Also during this time Frida, Colin and Peter did an impromptu autograph session in the dealer's room.  I got into the line, it was a long one until the volunteers began making it into three different lines�then into one again that broke up into three in front of the table where they sat.  I felt like we were cattle or something, the way they were yelling commands at us.  When I got up close I just got into Frida's line because it was the shortest and I really couldn't stand waiting in the line any longer�and Colin's line (the auto I really wanted) was too long for me to keep my sanity in.  I wasn't that disappointed though, Frida is really nice and if I hadn't gotten in that line I doubt my photograph session with her and Colin the next day (in the auto session�but I'll get to that later) ever would have happened.  When I got up there I bought one of her pictures that she brought, and gave her one of mine that was from the photo session the other day.  When I handed that to her I told her that "I was officially the most un-photographic person in the world".  I regretted saying it because I felt like a total loser afterwards.  But she was really nice about it. 

You know how when you're getting someone's auto and there's a really long line and they're trying to get through everyone and they just seem like they're on auto pilot?  They're signing and moving on to the next person, with a "Hi, how are you?" when you come up�then a "Thanks for your support" when they're done and they don't really listen to what you say?  Well Frida wasn't like that at all.  That's why she's my favorite guest next to Colin.  She really listens and if you're shy she always seems to find something to say that's personal not just "Hi how are you, thanks for your support, next."  Now I'm not trying to be rude to the other actors signing autos�I mean I know they don't want to be there forever and I don't blame them for even being on auto pilot when signing.  I realize how many photos they sign and I'm VERY greatfull that they even show up, let alone sign anything. Plus I guess she had plently of time with everyone because her lines were always so short�though I can honestly say that I don't think it will be like that for much longer.  She has great character and I'm sure her fan base will grow.

Anyway, now that I'm done with that rant.  She said it wasn't bad and that she was sorry I didn't like it�the volunteer next to her seemed like she was rushing her along so she signed my photos and I left�feeling like a total loser.  From there I got right in line.  I knew I still had a lot of time before the next panel and debated whether or not I should get back in line to get Colin's autograph�I didn't.  When time came closer for the panel Frida passed by on her way to the Minoru room since she was in the next panel.  I knew one of the guests was about to pass by the entourage that went first.  I watched to see who it was and to my surprise she stopped when she saw me and said she'd been looking for me.  She said that we should get together later and retake those pictures.  She asked my name again and said I should look for her later and that she'd be keeping an eye out for me.  That made my day right there.  Being the pessimist that I am I didn't think she'd remember the re-shoot, but the fact that she even proposed it was enough to make me feel better.  I'm so used to being invisible and I've gotten quite good at it when I want to be�it just gave my self esteem a boost when a guest at Gatecon actually remembered me and picked me out of a crowd of people to just talk to me!  It just made me feel special ya know?  Anyway�

1:30 PM-2:15 PM - Sarah Douglas, Suanne Braun & Frida Betrani

Next up: Frida Betrani, Sarah Douglas and Suanne Brown (pronounce Sue-Anne Brown).  They came out with little one-use cameras and started taking our pictures!  One of the things that stuck out in my mind the most about this panel was Sarah saying that she was surprised and relieved that we were all so "normal".  I later found out from a fellow Gategoer that she had been to Dragoncon before Gatecon and that convention has quite a high percentage of people in full costume and makeup.  I'm glad we were all so normal too!  It was acknowledged then that they were all Gatecon virgins, though Frida had been deflowered by JR the day before.  Sarah shared with us that she deflowered JR on Stargate, she said that he hadn't done anything quite like that gig before and she showed him how it was done.  Everyone got a kick out of that.  The only other thing that sticks out in my mind about their panel was Suanne telling us that she played Annie when she was ten and that she was the youngest to ever play the part!  Pretty cool piece of trivia, if only because I love that musical and know just about every song by heart!  I'm not sure how the panel ended but like all the others I sighed with disdain as Allen came out signifying the end.

2:15 PM-3 PM - Peter Williams, Alexis Cruz & Tony Amendola

Well that's what the schedule they handed out said.  I'm not sure when exactly it actually started but it turned out Tony couldn't make it this day either.  I wasn't that disappointed, don't get me wrong I think he's great�I'm just a bigger Alexis fan�besides he showed up the next day and the bus tour people didn't get to even see him in a panel�it's a mean thing to think but�hell I don't care, they got to go on the bus tour!  (Total run on sentence!)  Forgive me but I'm not really sure what Peter talked about other then liking the shows Blind Date and 5th Wheel, I found it disappointing because I can't stand those type of shows.  Alexis told us about growing up in the Brox and going to the high school Fame was based on.  He told us how acting was a way to get out of the city and just not the greatest environment.  I think he said he was like eighteen or nineteen when he did Stargate and that his role sort of grew as filming progressed.  He also didn't really expect to be on SG-1 anymore then once or maybe twice.  Boy am I glad he was wrong! I also learned that Alexis like gaming; everything from Playstation to role-playing.  Though it seemed only natural that an actor would like something like that, but he said he liked the story telling aspect of it the best.  He mentioned that maybe he could arrange some sort of SG-1 role-playing for next Gatecon!  Nothing I'd have the guts to partake in�but I can dream can't I?

3 PM-3:15 PM - Break (Ya right�break�what break? lol )
All the fifteen-minute breaks they put into the schedule didn't really ever happen.

3:15 PM-4 PM - Corin Nemec

Corin was so unbelievably nervous.  It looked like he was already sweating as he came out on stage�or it could have just been the lights.  Now there was something about his panel that was a little different from everyone else's.  The house lights weren't all the way off.  For every other panel prior to and after his the only lights on were the oh so bright ones shining onto the stage.  But during his the lights over the audience and the rest of the room were on, not at one-hundred percent just dimmed a bit.  Just barely noticeable�but why?  Perhaps he requested it so he could see us better.  Well myself and a few other convention goers theorized that perhaps someone (we're not sure who) requested that they keep the house lights up a bit because of the very "passionate" Daniel Jackson fans who also just may be Jonas Quinn haters�just a thought.

When I first saw him, other then the fact that I thought he looked really nervous I also couldn't help but notice his choice in fashion. lol.  He was wearing some rust colored jeans, a white v-neck t-shirt and a red checkered shirt�with a white Hawaiian lei.  Though we soon found out that the lei was not really his idea.  He said that didn't expect to get "lei-ed" within the first five minutes, and that now he was no longer a Gatecon virgin.  Supposedly it is tradition at Gatecon to ask the guy guests "Boxers or Briefs"�and since this was his first panel at his first Gatecon someone got up and asked.  He looked to be a bit confused at first but when he caught on he sort of gave an embarrassed smirk and said that "it depends on the weather."  Probably one of the most honest original answers to that question I've heard, I know that not to many people were expecting it.

Speculation of a seventh season was all over this years convention.  While it had been said before that season six was definitely the last season they seemed to be considering another one.  (Not too long after Gatecon it was announced their would be)  Well somehow the topic went to season seven and Corin said that he wasn't sure if there would be another one for sure, but that he had signed a two year contract with MGM before season six.  I was baffled by that, because I didn't realize that was the case.  When I heard that I thought that they must have been planning for a seventh season all along, or at least had him sign for two years just in case.  I was told by Gategoers later that they knew about the contract being two years, but that they had speculated he was going to be on Stargate: Atlantis.

Jonas eating was another topic I was not expecting.  I didn't really ever notice that he ate a lot on screen�I just didn't really think about it I guess.  Corin said that it was his idea but that the producers had it toned down after noticing it in the "dailies"�lol�what the hell are "dailies"?  Some production term I assuming?  Anyway he said the banana scene in Decent was his idea too, Peter liked it and put it in.  He said that he ate the first banana in space.  I was a little disappointed at his answer to the question what does he know about Jonas that we don't.  He said that it was a question for the writers.  I guess I just thought an actor in preparing for a role would create some sort of back-story in their head to better get acquainted with how their character works.
Okay this is getting longer then I expected so I'll sum up some other things that were discussed: he really did stay underwater for two minutes in Decent, he likes Spongebob Squarepants, he likes the weather channel too, Jonas' ring is really Corin's grandfather's ring and while it was real at first they made a replica for the show, and he's never heard of the "Puff and Ruffle" or the "Wounded Lamb" shticks.  Something that I didn't put into the sum up was what he said about Daniel/Shanks.  A question was asked about him towards the end, and it seemed (at least to me) that after the question was asked and he paused for reflection the tension  and anticipation in the room could have been cut with a knife.  He said he liked Michael Shanks, that he thought he was a great guy and actor.  He also said that he knew he could never replace him on the show and that it was never his intention to even try to do so.  I think it might have been a little bit harder for anti-Jonas fans to hate Corin�and perhaps their hatred for Jonas was curbed slightly as well.

4 PM-5 PM - Amanda Tapping

Amanda and Corin's panels kind of ran together and she came out while he was still answering questions.  Someone asked why Corin didn't know what "Puff and Ruffle" was and said that he just wasn't that sort of guy�and he is very happily married I might add.  Although she let it slip that he occasionally might give someone a sly glance.  He unfortunately had to leave, but Amanda did not disappoint in the slightest.   She's not one to sit still for too long, and she was very animated and energetic the entire time.  Okay to stop this from going on for too long I'll do a quick sum up of a few things I learned about her during her panel: her favorite pie of the moment was Strawberry Rubarb, they call RDA "Maharashi Rick", she finds Chris Judge to be "a level beyond goofy Jack", she didn't write any episodes this season (6), she'd like to direct an episode in season seven if there is one (no one knew for sure about s7 then),  she identifies more with the military Sam but used to identify more with Point of View Sam, it's hard to keep a straight face when acting one on one with Don and Carmen (Jacob Carter) is always giving her fatherly advice.

She seemed to have an endless arsinal of funny stories but of the few she told the one about Teryl Rothery is the one I remember the best.  Teryl was in her Dr. Fraiser costume and with coffee in one hand and her dog in her other arm she headed over to visit Amanda in her trailer.  She put her coffee down on the step so she could open the door and when she leaned over to pick it back up she got her stethoscope caught on the step.  She kept trying to get it uncaught and was bobbing up and down.  Amanda was showing us what she looked like as she described it.  It doesn't seem as funny as I write it but thinking of it still makes me laugh.  She had the whole audience laughing hysterically a few times during her panel.  I never imagined her quite that way�though I'm not sure how I imagined her, perhaps a bit more serious?  No, just not as awesome an individual as she turned out to be!  She also mentioned Peter Stebbins who had been in a few episodes as Malek, he's also on Jeremiah as Marcus.  Another actress from Jeremiah was recently on Stargate and she said that she and Peter had the same kind of friendly family relationship that she herself has with Chris, Michael and RDA.  (I hope Peter plays Malek in many more episodes, I really loved him on Jeremiah and really like the development his character is getting on SG-1.)

She also talked about Full Circle (s6 finale).  They were walking off into the sunset and RDA reminded them that this could be the last shot of the series and that maybe they should do something more profound, like skip!  lol, gotta love that guy.

5 PM-7 PM - Photographs - VIP/Quads

Well I was really hoping to get in this time.  I came down every so often to check and see if they were anywhere near my ticket number�but they never even got close.  I kept telling myself that there was a bigger possibility of me not getting in and that I shouldn't give my hopes up, Gatecon didn't make any promises about getting Quads into any of the photo sessions and that I should be happy with the one the other day.  Try as I did to tell myself this I still got kind of depressed about it.  Corin Nemec and Amanda Tapping were in there, so was Alexis and Don I believe.   Though the time was not completely wasted.  Right after Amanda's panel I left to head up to my room and passed Corin Nemec in the hall.  Being me I didn't have the guts to talk to him but instead just flashed him a smile and (praise God) he flashed one right back.  What can I say I'm a simple person and thinking of that simple smile can still brighten my day even now months afterward.  Also like I said before I tend to be invisible to most people, and the mere fact that he recognized my existence with a smile�well it just made me feel good.  To help the time pass quicker I called a friend back home, I needed to vent to someone so I could just move on and forget it. 

As I was chatting just outside the Gardenview exit to the courtyard Alexis and a few other guests were out there.  I tried to play it cool like I didn't notice and kept talking to my friend.  The women I went to Gastown with was talking to him about how unjust and elitist the Gatecon ticket system was.  While I did agree with her I felt a little bad because he had nothing to do with it�not that she was blaming him.  She saw me and asked me if I wanted my picture taken with him, I felt weird about it and said I didn't want to impose.  I wasn't listening though because other people began to notice he was there and were asking him for his autograph.  He said he had to get back inside for the photographs, I think he had just come out for a cigerette break poor guy.  Anyway he did come back and I got a picture with him!  If it weren't for that women, who's name for some terribly unforgivable reason I have forgotten, I would never have gotten that picture Jo was there to so she got a picture with her camera and mine.  The one she took came out so much better, it's the one I have up on Athena's website.  After that I got in line for the auction, it was very important that I get in the front of the line because ticket number or type didn't matter and I just HAD to get a good seat for this!  I hadn't gotten any good pictures during the panels and I wanted some good rolls of film.  Plus the reputation of the Charity auction at Gatecon made me sure to want to get a close up view!

7 PM-8 PM - Dinner Break
No dinner break really�just ate pretzels while in line for the auction.  I actualy lost some weight while at Gatecon�I didn't have the time to eat! 

8 PM-12 AM - Charity Auction (All ticket holders) (Charity Auction Photos taken by me.)

The auction�what can I say about the auction.  I got a third row seat and there was only Brianna between the isle and me!  I got some GREAT pictures here too.  Which only depresses me more that I can't share them!  Next year I'm borrowing my father's digital camera!  Okay I'll just make a list of some of the auction items I and a friend can remember, if there is a dollar amount next to it that's how much it went for�if not I can't remember or find anyone who does.  There's also little stories with some of them:

The most memorable item visually was Cronos' throne.  No one bidded on it!  The reserve bid was way too high (I think it was at least $1,000) and who ever won it would have to figure out how to get it home themselves, to help from MGM!  The man who played Cronos surprised everyone and showed up�he was distraught saying that if they're selling his throne does that mean he's never being asked back�Amanda said Cronos was just downsizing.

A serpent staff head from Children of the Gods�Alexis says he wants it back!

A couple of Jonas shirts.  I believe Colin and Corin both tried different ones on at different points.  They both ran around and did push ups and cartwheels hoping their sweat on the shirts would drive up the bidding�it did.

A couple of Daniel shirts.              one was from Holiday-$400
                                                  the now infamous Blue one worn by Colin at the auction-$750
                                                  shirt and jacket from Double Jeopardy-$1,100

Top secret SGC document�that Colin opened before they would auction it off.  They didn't think it was fair that we not know what we're bidding on.  Hey it's okay he works for the Pentagon!

There were a few pieces of art:     a painting of Daniel (that Colin did a scene with)
                                                 original artwork from JR's sister's book (Colin even got in on the bidding with this one!)-$340
                                                 pyramid painting (Daniel's pile of rocks/Skaara's Bachelor Pad, lol)
                                                 embroidered Gatecon hanging
                                                 quilt covered in quotes (they read some while we were bidding.)

A Daniel hat (kind of looked like a fishing cap�Alexis wore it till they forced him to part with it.)-$800?

Jack doll

SG-1 stuffed animals (Colin had a little too much fun with them)

Michael Shanks directors chair-$610

Dr. Fraiser's lab coat.  Signed by Teryl and showed off by Frida.

O'Neill's outfit from Beneath the Surface (Suanne put it on and ran from bidder to bidder.)

Pictograph from The First Ones-$270

Zachariah Farted stuff: poster, press kit, the actual movie and Major Davis ID from when Davis didn't have a definate first name and it says Michael on it.  (Amanda Tapping showed it off in front of Brianna's video camera!)-$300

One of Teal'c's golden tatoos

A recording of Suanne's first single.  They played it and she sang along, very nice voice.  I think it sold for something $100 or more�

Starcode necklace.  It was signed by someone�Don maybe?-$100

RDA's jacket and pants came as a pair, there were two sets so the two highest bidders got them.-$1150 was the highest.  (JR modeled the jacket and Sam put the pants on over her own.  The were standing right behind us and I got bumped in the head a few times by them as they tried to get back out into the aisle�not that I minded!)

The items aren't really in any particular order, accept the last one that was definitely the last item of the night.  After it was finished we hung around for a while just watching people leave and just soaking it all in.  By this time I was dying of hunger but everything was closed so I just had some more pretzels and went to bed!
Saturday, September 14th
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